🌊chapter 6🌊

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~Giyuu's POV~

"Yeah...so that's all..." everything was quite but I'm not complaining I look at there faces and saw they were shock...

"Wow...that was a lot to take in" the green head mumble and keeps on mumbling stuff I can't understand

"Shut up deku!!" The spicky hot-headed blonde yell out and the green head blush from embarrassment "Wow.. I can't believe there weren't even a single villain...except demons of course" the girl with black hair and a ponytail said "I apologize for not introducing ourselves properly! My name is Tenya lida!" Knock of sonic now know as Tenya lida said "oh! Me next! Me next! I'm mina!" "Kirishima!" "Midoriya! But call me deku!" ...but doesn't deku mean useless? There's no way I'm calling him that...that's just rude "kaminari!" "Sero!" "Uraraka" "...todoroki..." "katsuki bakugou! You better remember that!!" "Shinso" this shinso guy says lazily...looks like he hasn't gotten any rest "..tokoyami" "momo"

(After they all introduced them self)

Right now we were walking to the Cafeteria I heard from the class that they have really good food here, I'm walking to the Cafeteria together for some reason they all wanted to show me where the Cafeteria is...strange huh...a alarm suddenly went on then before I knew it everyone was going to the exit of the school pushing one a other

Huh...? I'm sensing something...a threat...someone who is only fill with bad intentions...I gotta go and look what it is

I began running to the direction I'm sensing the presence

(After she reaches where she was going)

I quickly open the door and saw a guy with light blue hair and a black hoodie on there....

"What then..." I mumble to myself and the guy look at me shock and I got confused

"Who are you and what are you doing here...?" I say as I pull out my sword and began position myself just in case

"..are you really...giyuu tomioka...?" The guy in a hoodie said

"Yes...and how do you know my name if I may ask..?"

~three person POV~

"Wow...it really is her...wait but how....?" Shigaraki though to himself

"But how...?" Shigaraki as in confusion

"Well you see...I was out fighting demons but the demon use its blood demon art...wait why am I even telling you this...just tell me why your here and what you're doing here..." giyuu say

Suddenly a purple portal appears behind Shigaraki and Shigaraki run into the portal giyuu was about to attack but he was gone the purple portal also gone

"damn it..." giyuu angrily mumble and began running to the principal office

While running across the hallway he noticed that everyone was already in class but she was relief since she could easily go to the office

When she reaches the staff room she didn't bother knocking and swin the door open an inside was every teachers and the principal

"Problem child why are you not in class..?" Aizawa ask

"There was a villain in the in the principal office" giyuu said

You must be wondering how she figured out that Shigaraki was a villain right? It was easy no citizens would come into a hero school and she had sense that he had bad intentions

"What!?!?!?" The person that scream Loudly was obviously president mic

"Oh my...how didn't i notice this..? The gate was obviously destroyed by a quirk" principal nezu say and took a sip of his green tea

"Wait a minute...why does she look like Tomioka giyuu?" Vlag king ask

(I don't know how to spell his name okay an I don't have time to go look it up)

"Oh my gosh! Your right!" Might night say squealing

"That's because she is..." Aizawa said with a tired sigh


That's all...so troublesome...

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