not a chapter

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Okay everyone don't worry the story will still continue
But I sometimes feel like rewriting this book and make it more detailed and long but I don't know

Anyway do you remember that song I made/write up? Is it good? Are you now thinking about it? Do you feel like committing or doing such unspeakable thanks to someone?

Well let me tell you something....

I also wanna do such stuff for no reason at all

Stabing people's what I do

Choking, biting electrocute,

Tortures what I love to do,

but the blood i spill is way more cool!

Stab! Poison! A knife in the heart~
is, way more cooler!

Torture is the best method to get your crush a mooner!

Memories these beautiful words like your life depends on it~😁☺🥰❤❤❤❤❤

And don't forget, I will still continue this book! Or even rewriting it if I'm not being a lazy bum

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