4. A Snack Only Slighter Better than Live Octopus

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Team Rocket's mental preparations were minimal. There isn't much one can do to get ready to be eaten. It's not like humans actively swallow each other whole all the time, not in Kalos. There are rumors of such actions occurring underground in Galar, and fight clubs in Kanto often end this way, but these involved the Pokémon doing the consuming due to the size difference making it possible. Even in Galar, everyone involved was over 21.
But here, a human, a mere teenage twit, was going to be swallowing them whole, storing them in their minuscule and insignificant stomach, which had previously never seen anything besides food and dirt. His throat looked way too skinny to carry them down successfully. At the very least, if he was fully willing, there would be a commitment. But he was conflicted, nervous.
Ash, after several deep breaths, slowly opened his mouth. His teeth were somewhat sharp, but had definitely skipped one or two brushings. His gums were relatively healthy. His tongue was a healthy pink, with only a slightly brighter splotch near the back. His short uvula barely dangled over his throat, which looked bigger without tonsils, but wasn't big enough anyway.
He stuck his tongue out for them to crawl onto, a tendril of saliva sticking to it. Jesse and James looked within with fear, but slowly and shakily climbed inside the maw, James being pushed by Jesse so that she didn't have to go first. Jesse climbed in, more grossed out now that her outfit had been ruined by a small pool of twerp spit. Ash slowly rolled his tongue and clamped his jaw shut, encircling the duo in darkness.
Ash quickly decided the best way to go was to swallow one at a time. James was slightly taller, so he decided to gulp him after Jesse so that if he coughed him back out, Jesse would still be in. Pushing James to the cheek, he rolled Jesse to the back of his tongue slowly, being careful to keep James in place and Jesse away from his teeth, which could easily cut her. Saliva was emitted, soaking Jesse in preparation. She folded up slightly, mostly in reaction to her disgust. Finally, he took a deep breath in his nose and gulped hard, sending Jesse into the entrance of the throat. With sharp pangs in his throat, he coughed hard and thumped his chest to continue Jesse's descent through the esophagus.
Jesse was squeezed very tight, making it hard for her to breathe. Every breath granted her hot, stale air with an acidic bite that slightly hurt her chest. After a climax of squeeze, she fell into a shallow pool of acid face first and then sat against the base of the stomach wall. Despite her memory of acid breaking down cells and being painful, she felt no pain thanks to the compaction of her cells. Lighting an LED lamp in her pocket, she finally saw the detail of the swampy organ she had found herself in. The stomach wrinkles were curvy and artistic, covered in a few tiny white bubbles. Her entire life, she had rejected the idea that beauty was on the inside. Her entire life, she had been praised for her outer beauty. It had been her only gateway out of her life into her current career. Now... she still saw it as gross and fleshy. The smell was abysmal, there was no beauty in this.
After Ash had been relieved of most of the pain, he then pushed James to the roof of his mouth. He hadn't taken much time to get a flavor with his last little "snack" [the thought creeped him out], so he chose to suck on James to get a flavor.
To his utter shock, James emitted a flavor of cinnamon Pokepuff frosting, releasing platonic pleasure throughout his brain. He wasn't expecting this taste and was sort of weirded out, but the flavor was sweet and he had the desire to savor this moment, to keep this flavor for as long as possible. Unfortunately for him, he had things to do, so he rolled James to the back too and as before took a thick swallow, emitting a loud reverberating wet sound that caused James to emit a yelp from surprise. With the extra saliva from the good flavor, Ash found James much easier to gulp down them Jesse. James also descended, falling on his head. Once Jesse spotted him, her floodgates left the room and a massive amount of rage entered as she chewed his ear off, screaming about how his stupid idea had humiliated them, her handbag and outfit was ruined.
The "twerp" gang looked on in horror. Well, all for Clemont, who was looking on curiously and taking notes. He fully intended on asking James and Jesse 300 questions regarding the experience for the rest of the afternoon.
"This will provide so much information for the world of science, thank you Ash!" He cheered, Ash looking on in annoyance.
"Are you two okay in there?" Ash bent down and asked his own stomach, his question directed to its contents.
"NO! I'M SICK! I'M GOING TO HURL!" Jesse screamed.
"We're alive" James replied, earning him a death glare from Jesse.
With the combination of the terrible environment, Clemont's inevitable interviewing, and the rocking from the long walk, the two were going to have a LONG afternoon. They did contact Meowth and let him know, to which he laughed and only obliged to follow after threatening.
One thing was for certain though: with Clemont and the weight and fighting within his guts, Ash was not going to enjoy this afternoon. If only it had been Clemont who had been the predator, he thought.
With the drama over for now, the gang kept journeying towards the next gym, ready for the next Pokémon adventure.

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