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The door falls shut behind them. Villanelle looks around, a sceptical look on her face.
Eve laughs. "What? Not proper enough?"
Villanelle takes off her coat and drapes it over a chair. When Eve said they should get themselves a place to stay for the night, she hadn't exactly pictured a run-down middle-of-nowhere motel.
"It's best to keep a low profile," Eve had explained, and Villanelle knew she was right. She'd still rather sleep on a real bed.
"Come on," Eve says, stepping closer to Villanelle. There's a moment of silence when their eyes meet. Eve looks away and goes to take her own jacket off. "It's not that bad. And anyway, this is only for one night."
Villanelle scoffs, rolls her eyes, but lets herself fall on the bed. It doesn't bounce like a bed should, but the pillows are surprisingly soft. Maybe one night wouldn't be that bad.
"Eve," she says.
"Do we have any... pyjamas, or anything?"
Eve looks around, her lips slightly parted. "Oh, shoot, no. I didn't think about that. Maybe..." She places a finger on her chin and glances down, thinking.
Villanelle looks away to hide her smile. The way Eve seems to turn her worry over such a small thing into something seemingly life altering was beyond her, but she could get used to being around it. She wants to hear about it, every day.
"Eve, it's okay." Villanelle stands up and walks over to her. She takes her hand. They look at each other. "We have to get stuff first thing tomorrow anyway. Speaking of..." She goes to sit back down on the bed, pulling Eve with her. "We should talk. About what we're going to do."
"What do you mean?"
Villanelle swallows. "I know I said we should go to Alaska, but it was just an idea. We could go anywhere. Wherever we want."
Eve shrugs. "I think Alaska sounds great." She sighs and lays down, resting her head on a pillow. "I think we just need to get away from here. A fresh start. Somewhere we won't be recognised or in danger."
Villanelle lays down and observes her profile. Eve is laying next to her. She has to say it over and over in her head for her to really start to grasp it.
She reaches out and pushes a strand of her gorgeous black hair out of her face, revealing her right eye. Eve turns; now they're face to face.
"Alaska sounds perfect for that," Villanelle says.
Eve smiles. "Yes, it does."
Their eyes linger a moment longer.
Villanelle is about to reach up again to cup her face, and hopefully kiss her, when Eve turns away to get back up.
"I want to close these curtains," she says, pulling the deep blue, dusty fabric across the windows. "I feel like the whole world can see us in here."
Villanelle sits up and watches her. Eve turns back around to sit down across from her. "What should we do tomorrow?"
"Catch a plane?"
Eve thinks for a moment. "I don't know if that's so smart. I'd assume they'll have eyes and ears all over the airports, trying to find us. We can't risk it."
Villanelle pulls her knees up to her chin and rests her head against them. "We could take a detour."
Eve looks at her. "What do you mean?"
"Well, if we can't fly out of London, we should fly out of somewhere else."
"We don't know how far their resources reach."
"Then let's go further. Ireland. Scotland. They won't find us there."
To her surprise, Eve grins. "I've always wanted to go to Scotland."
Villanelle cocks her head. "Really?"
Eve nods and smiles. "Yeah, I've never been. Niko wanted to go on our honeymoon, but..." She looks away. "We never got around to it."
Villanelle raises a brow. "What do you mean, you never got around to it?"
She shrugs. "I don't know... we just got busy. My job..." She sighs. "It was a lot. Looking back I sometimes wonder how he stayed with me for as long as he did-"
"Shh." Villanelle leans in closer to her. "Don't say that. Forget Niko." She almost called him the fudge, but she caught herself just in time. "He never understood you."
Eve doesn't respond, Villanelle leans back, still watching her. She crosses her arms. "So, Scotland it is?"
Eve looks up. "Yes. Sounds good." She runs her hands through her hair. "We need to figure out how we're going to get there. We should probably also get some things tomorrow." She chuckles. "We don't really have anything."
Villanelle nods. "Yes. We need new clothes. And I can get us passports. I know someone in Scotland." Sort of. She'll figure it out.
Eve takes a deep breath. "Alright." She gets her phone out. "It looks like... we'd be able to get a train from Euston Station that can get us to Glasgow by 8pm tomorrow. How does that sound?" Her eyes move up from the screen and meet Villanelle's. They smile.
"That sounds good."
Eve yawns, checks the time on her phone. "Oh jeez, it's late. We better get some sleep. We can plan more on the train."
"Sure." Villanelle gets up and takes off her jacket, so she's only wearing a black long-sleeved shirt and jeans. She can't sleep in jeans. She watches Eve take off her sweater, then her pants without any hesitation. She feels her eyes stick to the shape of her hips. Her black underwear. Feeling a little childish, she follows suit and quickly gets under the covers.
As Eve gets in bed as well, her foot traces the entire length of Villanelle's leg. Villanelle pulls away before she can stop herself. Eve reaches over to turn the light off. "Good night, Villanelle."
Villanelle smiles to herself in the dark. "Good night, Eve."
She can't see Eve; her eyes haven't adjusted yet, but she can feel Eve's body. Her warmth. She wants to feel it even more, but for the first time she feels she doesn't know how to approach sex.
By resigning and laying down next to Eve in her Paris apartment, she had already accepted that things were going to be different with Eve; she had yet to figure out to what degree.
By turning around on the bridge, she had given into those differences and decided to take them on, head first. But now here she is, some-what undressed, in bed with Eve. In a way, this is all she's ever wanted. And yet it's all different than how she'd imagined. She never imagined she would hesitate.
If only Eve would turn around. Villanelle didn't mind looking at her hair, of course. She even reached out to twist a strand or two around her fingers, soft enough so Eve wouldn't feel anything. If Eve turned around, it would be like a green light to go wherever they wanted. Villanelle wanted to go places. But for some reason, this time she didn't.
Her ankle itches. She lifts her leg to scratch it with her toe; of course, her foot brushes Eve's calf. Villanelle waits, but Eve doesn't move her leg. Villanelle lifts her leg again, touching Eve a second time. This time, Eve does move. She shifts her whole position, inching closer to Villanelle. Now their legs are pressed against each other. Villanelle swallows: she hates that this makes her feel like a teenager all over again.
For a horrible second she's reminded of Anna. She shuts her eyes tight and feels her teeth clench.
Villanelle lets herself move a little closer, too. Her chest is now pressed up against Eve's back. Eve's hair is right in front of her face: she inhales it. This is enough for now.
The last thing she recalls before her eyes drift shut is Eve's hand reaching back to find hers, and the feeling of their fingers weaving together yet again.

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