an old friend

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Villanelle leads them through London, taking the long route to Kings Cross on purpose. By the time they enter the Costa, it's only fifteen minutes until she's supposed to pick up the passports. 
Eve goes to sit down at a free table next to the window.
"Why don't we sit over here?" Villanelle sets her bag down on a chair in a corner of the space. 
Eve hesitates. "Okay. Why?"
"You're the one saying we should be cautious."
Villanelle notices Eve's eyes on her, questioning, but she looks away. "Can you get me something?"
"Well what do you like?" 
"Something without coffee."
Eve laughs. "Go figure. Smoothie?"
Villanelle clicks her tongue. "Perfect." 
Eve gets up to go wait in line. Villanelle grabs the burner phone, still in her pocket. She glances around. Konstantin said she would know who to go to, but no one here looked like anyone she knew. No one was sending signs in any way. Not even a designated Twelve sign, like reading something with Economy clearly visible in the title. 
Eve returns with their drinks. "I got you something pink, I thought you'd like it." She sets down a clear plastic cup with a thick pink smoothie mixture.

" She sets down a clear plastic cup with a thick pink smoothie mixture

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"Ooh," Villanelle says, turning the cup. "What's in it?"
"Strawberries, I think. And mango."
Villanelle takes a sip. Eve was right. This is just what she needed. 
"I was also thinking..." 
Villanelle looks up and smiles. She can't get over Eve in that horrendous wig. 
"What should be do for lunch? We still have time, but the train comes in around one and a half hours. We should probably get looking soon if we want to get to the station a bit early."
Villanelle nods, glancing at the clock above the door. She reaches into her pocket again. Any minute now. 
She looks up. "Hm?"
"Are you listening to me?" 
The phone vibrates in her hand. She gets up. 
"I have to take this call," she says, starting to walk away. "Give me a second."
She looks back to find Eve sitting there, eyes wide and brows crumpled in confusion.
She turns and pushes through the door. 
Once outside, Villanelle doesn't have to look long. 
"What are you doing here?" she exclaims, pushing Konstantin out of sight from the windows incase Eve was watching her. 
"I thought I would come see how you're doing," he says, wearing his ridiculous grin.
Villanelle scowls. "Bullshit." 
"Hey, what was this about you being my friend?" His arms are outstretched for a hug.
She's still frowning, but she obeys. She feels a strange sensation, being pulled close to him again. She breathes in his familiar smell and smiles into his shoulder. 
"You know, Carolyn is furious."
Villanelle scoffs and pushes him away. "Why do you think I care?"
He presses his lips together. "You just need to be careful, Villanelle. They have eyes and-"
"... ears everywhere," she mimics. "I know. You told me."
"It's no joke. I'm worried for you."
"Do you have the passports?"
He thrusts a white plastic bag into her hand, which she pockets quickly. 
"You don't just get to walk away."
"What are you talking about?"
"They won't let you. You know this."
Villanelle shrugs and starts to step away from him, lifting her arms. "Watch me."
"Stop it, Villanelle. I'm serious."
She stops and lets her arms fall to her side. "You don't think I know what I'm doing?"
"No, I don't think you understand! They will find you, and they will make you pay! They already know you're going to Glasgow."
"Because you told them."
"No, because they're tracking Eve's phone."
"How do you know all of this?" 
He sighs. "I'm putting a lot on the line by talking to you right now. I'm just telling you what I've heard."
Villanelle sighs. "I will manage. We will manage."
He laughs. "We'll see how that goes."
She scowls. "Yes, we will."
"Just..." Konstantin swallows. "Be careful, Villanelle." He checks his phone. "I have to go now."
They stand there looking at each other for a few moments. 
"Is this goodbye?" Villanelle asks.
He shrugs. "Maybe. It's probably better that way." 
There's a lump in her throat she tries hard to swallow as he steps forward and pulls her into a tight hug. She can't quite manage: a small tear escapes. 
"What's happened to you, Villanelle," he says quietly. He frees himself from their hug, turns, and disappears into the bustling London crowd. 
Villanelle sniffs, wipes her cheek and takes a deep breath before hurrying back inside the café. 
Eve is still sitting at the same table, tapping around on her phone. 
"Woah, is everything alright?" she asks as soon as Villanelle sits down. 
Villanelle looks down. "Yeah, all good. You need a new phone."
Eve frowns. "Why?"
"They... they could be tracking you. It's just safer."
She sets her phone down and leans in closer. She takes her hands in both of hers. "Villanelle, what's going on?"
She takes a deep breath without moving her shoulders and closes her eyes for a short second, but her throat feels tight, like she's not getting enough air. She doesn't know what this is. She shouldn't feel this way. She's never feels this way. Maybe Konstantin is right. Maybe she's getting ahead of herself. Maybe this is all a bad idea. This will never work. 
She looks at Eve again. Eve, who still looks so horrendous in that wig, who's eyes are wide with concern. She smiles. She feels a tear roll down her cheek.
She can't hear her voice as her firm hand grips her arm and carefully guides her into her seat. Eve's hand is on her chest now, a bit of pressure to ground her again. She can hear her voice. 
"Breathe in..."
Villanelle closes her eyes and lets her lungs fill with air. Her rising chest pushes up against Eve's hand; she can smell her.
"... and out."
She lets it all go and opens her eyes again. Eve's face is only an inch away from her own, her eyes still full of concern. 
"A little better?"
Villanelle nods, backs away from Eve and stands up. "Let's go." She hoists up one bag on each shoulder: the weight is unbearable, even for her trained body, but she ignores it and walks out of the café, leaving Eve behind. 
Once she's back outside, she finds her eyes looking for Konstantin, even though she knows he's long gone. Shit. She wrestles her sunglasses out of her pocket and pushes them onto her face. She can feel more tears coming. 
She turns. Eve is storming out of the Costa, her wig slightly astray. "Don't you just walk out on me!"
Villanelle looks down. 
"What happened?"
Eve scoffs. "Oh, fuck off."
Villanelle's head snaps up. Eve's laughing now.
"You get to boss me around all day, and I go along because I trust you. And now you have a serious emotional outburst, and you run away? If we're in this together I need to know what's going on."
Villanelle looks around. She doesn't know what to say. She doesn't know how to say it. She looks at Eve. She's still upset, but the anger has left her face. 
"Can we get some lunch?" she asks quietly. "I'm hungry."
She can see Eve's expression falter, but she knows that she will give in. "Fine. But you need to talk to me. Okay?"
Villanelle nods. Eve takes a bag from her, gives her free shoulder a soft squeeze and they make their way across the street to find a restaurant.


fan art by jodesxco on Twitter <3

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