The Next Door Nincompoops-Chapter Two

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Jared’s iPod flashed low battery. He didn’t double check, because he knew that he had forgotten to charge it all week.

 Still, he decided, he’d use whatever was left.

He wasn’t the only one who brought his iPod to school, but sometimes he felt that those wanna-bes just didn’t deserve one. They lacked personal opinion, identity, individuality. They just went along with whatever was in the popular category of music that week.

And that was destroying music these days.

Jared swore, if he heard another classic remixed again, he’d hurl.

Guns and Roses, he thought looking down at his iPod. Now that was a great band.

Maybe that was the reason he felt the need to let out a snort when the two girls next to him began raving about Mt. SkyRocket.

Mt. SkyRocket had originality the size of a pea.

But why was he so bothered anyway?

When Mikayla, the girl in the next seat, challenged him, he didn’t feel compelled to respond. He didn’t really bother much about school or friends.

His real friends were back home in Terry Peak.

And after he and his mom moved here to Madison Ville,a year ago, he didn’t see the need to make friends again. Anyway he’d be returning back home in a couple of weeks from now.

His mom wanted to stay on here, because her sister was moving here too, but he wanted to leave this place.

Really badly.

It wasn’t as if this place was terrible or anything. In fact, it made Terry Peak looked like a dump. The people here weren’t bad either. But home is always home, right?

Jared didn’t wallow in self pity. Sure, he had to move with his mom, leaving behind the place where he’d spent his entire life.

No biggie.

Although, he did come off as mean to some people. But that’s just because he kept to himself, which everyone else confused with being snobby.

He’d be leaving soon – going back to Terry Peak to live with his uncle, who offered to let him stay till he finished school. He didn’t ask to go back. But his mom must’ve told them about his dropping grades, and him being anti – social and all.

He thought of Terry. I t was one of those small towns with a homey feel. The narrow streets, quaint shops, neatly lined houses…etc etc.

He wasn’t one for poetry.

One problem though.

Leaving his mom here, with her sister,Tracy.

Aunt Tracy was a bit nutty in the head, and so was her entire family.

Jared tried to steer clear of them, managing to see them only once in a few weeks.

His worst nightmare being that their nuttiness rubbed off on him.

His mom already seemed to catch their fever though.

Jared got off the bus with a sigh. Everyone headed towards the morning assembly. He decided to bunk.

He waited behind the janitor’s office, took out his phone, and began reading the text message he received last night, over and over.

He knew exactly who it was from, too, though there was no name nor he did have the sender’s number in his contacts list.

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