The Next Door Nincompoops-Chapter One

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Hi everyone :)

This is my first time ever writing, but i thought i'd give it a try.

Hope you like it!

Plz let me know about any of your suggestions and tell me if you like it so far...

looking forward to your comments!



I flopped down on my bed, on a hot summer afternoon, and glanced at the phone in my hand.

 Lauren had texted me saying that she'd call in a few minutes after she got the response to the application she submitted to The Whittier Music Camp. The email of acceptance (or rejection-but I'm not even going to think of such a scenario-being the good friend that I am) was going to be sent at exactly 6 pm today.

 I could just imagine Lauren ,sitting on her bed with her laptop, her brown eyes wide, as she waited for the email to pop up in her inbox. She probably wouldn't have even blinked, for the last ten minutes.

 If I was in her place I would have freaked out and gotten somebody else to check it for me. And then had them write either a yes or a no on an itsy- bitsy teeny weeny piece of paper.

But Lauren's never been like that. She likes to handle stuff herself. Just slightly on the verge of control freak.

 Anyways, this music camp is really important to her. And I hope she gets in. I really do.

Okay, I know I don't sound totally excited.

 But just as I much I want her to get in, there's a part of me that's dreading it.

 I mean, what am I going to do this entire summer without her? The stupid camp is practically a thousand miles away! And we've spent almost every summer together since we were eight. I'd rather have her here.

 It's completely selfish of me, though, I'm aware.

 I sat up straight, clutching the phone, when I noticed my palms had gotten sweaty. I rubbed them on my jeans and the caught sight of myself in the mirror.

I looked like a total slob, but that's putting it nicely. My light brown hair looked like the crows nest I had once spotted in Lauren's apple tree.

 Nah, that crow had a neater nest.

 I was also wearing my brother's old t-shirt, and which, after sniffing it, came to the conclusion that it smelt of moth balls and dust bunnies.

 Heck, I can't blame the t shirt for smelling like the way it did. The poor shirt hasn't seen the light of day for ages after my brother disowned it.

 But for some reason I felt like pulling it out of my closet today.

 My older sister Abigail's voice rang in my ear. "I just know that when I leave, you're going to start dressing like a hobo again. Goodness knows what you'll be dressing like without me around."

 Little miss perfect.

I'll show her.

 I sprang from my bed and threw open my wardrobe door. If my sense of style was so pathetic, why did she take half of my clothes to college with her?

 My phone suddenly rang out Beyonce's "single ladies". I grabbed it from the bed and answered it, a tad bit nervously.

"Hey ... How are you dealing with the bad news?" I joked.

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