The Next Door Nincompoops-Chapter Four

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Apparently, food fights are banned, at my house. This rule was something I certainly wasn't aware of.

Anyway, I went to my room early that night and switched on my laptop. I wanted to lock my bedroom door to keep out unwanted visitors( namely Abigail) but my parents don't allow that, so I simply slammed it shut to send out a message that I wanted to be alone.

I checked my notifications on Facebook, and then, I noticed at the corner of the page was the name "Jared White" and the Add as friend button below.

Hm. So the guy wasn't that anti social after all.

But was I going to Add as friend?

No way.

I clicked on his profile. He did have alot of friends, none from Madison Ville though.I was going to click on interests when my phone buzzed.

I returned to the homepage with a start, feeling a bit like a stalker.

It wasn't that stalker-ish though. I bet lots of people have looked at his profile, right?


I glanced at my phone to see that Chloe had sent me another picture of the Mt.SR. Sigh.I was getting quite sick of it, to be honest.

 And who do I call when I want to complain?Right.

"Hi Kaylie." Lauren answered groggily.

"Hi, what's up?"

"I have a twisted ankle-remember?"

"Ahh..." I said, "Well, I have a pain in the butt."

"Literally or figuratively?"

"Very funny." I said flatly. "Guess what? Abigail is home."

"Abigail is home??" Lauren tried not to sound too excited. Truth being told, she adores Abigail. The two can spend hours talking about clothes and what not. I love discussing girlie stuff too (I'm not that much of a hoodie -and -converse girl) but I can never get a word in edgewise somehow.

"Yeah. You're not invited over."

Lauren laughed, "So what did I miss in school today?"

I mulled over what happend today in school, as I resonded,"Nothing much. Cloe just bored me with Mount SkyRocket details.."

"Speaking of which, I don't think I'll be able to make to the concert on Friday.My foot's still bad."

I sat up straight," But Lauren, its on Friday, maybe your leg will be better by then!"

"I don't know. I don't want to be hopping around on one leg while you guys party with the band."

"We're not going to party with the band!" Actually, partying with the band sounded pretty good. "Promise you'll be better by Friday. Go nurse your leg, now, catch up on some beauty sleep."

"When Chloe called today, the first thing she yelled was "Mt.SR FOREVER!" I think I'm deaf in my left ear."

"Hey,let me tell you some interesting facts about the band- -Drake Fuller is allergic to peanuts!"

"Uh huh." Lauen said. The she paused, "Hey, do you think Abigail will want to come?"

"What??" I suppressed a scream. "No way. Never. I'm will never invite her, not even if it was a choice between taking her or a giant squid."

"Chill, Kaylie...I was just asking." She giggled." Ttyl!"

"Ttyl yourself." I muttered. Inviting Abigail to a concert was too scary to contemplate. She 'll probably make me put some hand sanitizer on, before shaking Drake Fuller's hand.

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