Chapter 1 - Young Lion

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Y/n pov

Golden rays of sunlight seep through the window. Today is my first day of work after college. I'm very excited. I'll be saving the world after all. Not all at once of course, but a small piece of it.

College put me in New York General hospital. I only know two things about this place: first, I'll have Kate there with me, she's my best friend; second, it's run by super professionals.

Because of the pleasant anticipation and excitement, I stayed up all night. Medical students are used to sleepless nights. I hope that the lack of proper sleep won't affect my concentration.

To cheer myself up, I decide to go out for a run. It's my morning ritual. We all have our rituals, don't we? Don't get me wrong, I'm not a psychopath. It's just that I used to play soccer in high school and running became a part of my life.

I pull out my phone to check the time. It's only 5:30 in the morning, my shift starts at 8:00. I still have time to get ready.
I put on a sports top, leggings, and threw on a tank top. What did I forget? Sneakers. Where are my sneakers?
I look under the bed, and they weren't there. Well, the morning's already off to a bad start. I go downstairs from the second floor and into the hallway. My sneakers weren't there either. Where are they? Right. In the dryer. I'm opening it and pulling out the shoes, which are still damp. Oh, great. Time to buy a new dryer. I don't have much time to dry them, or I'll be late. I don't want that on my first day of work. I'd have to run in the damp ones. Nothing's gonna happen to me. They'll dry on the way out. I'll deal with the dryer issue later.

The weather outside is beautiful. The morning chill, the fresh air and the birds singing. What could be better? Just a new dryer and dry sneakers.
I'm plugging in my headphones and turning on my morning playlist. "The Runner" by Foals starts playing.

I ran 3 km around the district  and was home in an hour. I take a shower, change clothes, and made coffee with toast for breakfast.

I've been thinking about one things all morning. What's going to happen next? How would my first day go? What if I embarrass myself and get kicked out by the end of the week? My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a notification on my phone. It was Kate. We're best friends since school.

"Hey, young lion. I hope you're awake by now and didn't burn the house down at breakfast. I'll pick you up at 7:00. See you later ✌🏻"

I smirk at the screen and reply:

"Hi, K. Don't worry, the house is fine. I just stayed away from the stove 😀
Waiting for you"

I got the nickname Young Lion because I was born in August.
Also, as you may have realized - I don't know how to cook. It's strictly forbidden to let me near the stove. At least I make great stitches.

After eating the last piece of toast I go to get dressed. I put on brown corduroy pants, black eras tour t-shirt, sneakers, and black denim jacket. I also put on my silver rings, a watches given by my mom and made bun on my head.

Kate picked me up at 7:00 a.m. I need to learn her punctuality, because I'm always late. Even if I got up half a day before the event, I'd still be late. It's such a paradox.
I get in the car and throw my backpack in the backseat. My friend starts the engine, and we're on our way to the hospital.

"Are you okay? You look nervous." Kate says standing at a stoplight.

"Yeah... I'm just... Worried. I mean, that's normal. It's just that we've been going at this for so long and now the day has come. There is no margin for error. This is a really cool place and I can't fuck it all up." I reply, twisting the ring on my middle finger.

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