Chapter 10 - Moonlight

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Wanda's Pov

After the message arrived on my phone, the smile fell off my face a little. But I have to pretend that everything is fine. I don't want to bring Y/n into my past relationship.
She's already out of the room for finding water and I wondered.
Do I need to reply to his message?
Why does he want to meet up? I don't want to see him after everything that happened. He cheated on me. He left me. He hurt me. I almost quit this place. But it's a good thing I stayed, because later on Y/n showed up here.
I want him out and out of my life.

"Hey, girl. You alright?" Natasha asks me. "It's like you found out the world is going to end tomorrow. Don't worry, Y/n won't die from dehydration."

"What?" her words echo in my head. "Yeah. I'm fine."

"Did something happen?"

"No. I'm fine. I'm just a little tired. I need some air."

I get up and walk out of the room and into the street. The August warmth envelops my face. Or maybe it's my nerves making me hot.
I find I have one last cigarette left. I won't smoke it. Save it for a more serious occasion. Something tells me it's coming.
I need to relax or distract myself. I turn around and walk over to Pepper.

"Hey, Pep. Are we going to have any patient admissions or maybe someone needs me?" I walk up to the counter and turn to the girl across from me.

"Hi Wanda." she looks at the computer and answers. "Um, no. It's kind of quiet. You can rest now."

"Damn..." I say under my breath and run my hand along my hair. "Don't like this lull."

"You're kind of jumpy."

"It's okay. Thanks a lot." I run my hand along the counter and walk away. "See you later!"

I walk over to the vending machine and buy a bottle of water. I wonder where Y/n is? Did she drink it? The bottle falls to the bottom of the machine, I pull it out too and drink it. Isn't there an incoming? I need someone urgently, I'm ready to take anyone.
A woman walks into the hospital out of breath. I understand she has a relative here. She's come to see him.

"Hello, my name is Nancy. My husband, Christopher is here. Can I see him?" she says nervously.

"Good afternoon. Let me see which room he is in." Pepper is looking for information on the computer and I slowly walk over to them.

"Hello. I'm Dr. Maximoff. You're Christopher's wife, correct?"

"Yes. Hello. How is he?"

"Pepper, you don't have to look. I'll show you to your room."

"Thank you so much." she answers me with tears in her eyes. She looks very worried and I understand.

As we walk to the room, I tell his wife what happened.

"I realize this all sounds scary, but he's fine and will be fine. You'll be able to pick him up tomorrow." We stand in front of the room and I let Nancy step forward. "Come on in. Just for a little while. He just came out of anesthesia a little while ago."

I walk over to the bed with the patient and check his reflexes. Flashlight, hammer, blood pressure. Everything's fine, like nothing ever happened.

"Did you give my arrow back?" he asks me worriedly.

"Is that all you're interested in right now, Christopher? Really? You could have been left crippled! Or worse..." Nancy covers her face with her hand holding back tears.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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