Chapter 8 - Relief

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Y/n's Pov

It's been a quiet day. Now I'm on my way to the medical discovery awards. I'm very excited. It all happened so fast.
There are hundreds of professionals of my field waiting for me in the hall.

"Awarded to Y/n Y/l/n for special contributions to science. Applause!"

I walk out onto the stage. Everyone is applauding and cheering. I'm starting to get nervous. I catch a glimpse of Wanda in the crowd. She smiles at me and I calm down. I accept the award, give a thank you speech and a bottle of champagne is opened beside me.
My coworkers are yelling, "Y/n! Y/n!"
The liquid is pouring over me. Wait. That's not a champagne.....

"Y/n! Wake up!" I hear a voice in the distance. "Hey!"

I open my eyes abruptly from a jet of water pouring down on me.

"What the..." I wipe the water off my face and jump up from the couch.

"You're finally awake. Can't woke you up." Kate stands in front of me with a glass of water.

"We thought you are dead." Elena speaks behind her back.

"You were smiling so sweetly in your sleep. What were you dreaming about?" Kate asks me.

"Never mind. What time is it? And you didn't have to pour water on me."

"I woke you up in all sorts of ways." Kate looks at the time. "It's almost noon. We've been up a long time and had breakfast."

"Okay. Wait. Where's the dog?" I just realized that Kate was without Lucky yesterday.

"He's staying with Natasha. The dog is fine. We're on our way to her place just now to pick him up. Are you with us?"

"I don't even know..."

"Okay. Kate Bishop, let's go." Elena turns around, grabs Kate's hand and heads for the door.

"I'll text you!" Kate says to me.

I give her a thumbs up and get up off the couch to close the door behind them.

When they leave I open the refrigerator and find it empty. My stomach rumbles. The smell of food fills the room. There are pancakes on the table. Thank you, whoever that is. I brew some coffee and start breakfast. While eating, I scroll through social media and see that I have unread messages.

Mom 💓
Are you okay?

Hi. How are you? Thanks again for your help.

Wanna hangout tomorrow?
Don't ignore me ☹️

Oh... I totally forgot to text my mom. I need to call her and find out how things are going with my dad. I'll do it a little later. Right now I need to get my head on straight. I feel like a bear after hibernation.
I finish my breakfast and go into the shower. Cool jets of water lap my body and I slowly wake up.
After the shower, I clean the house and spend an extra hour on things I've long forgotten existed. I have a box. I call it the memory box. It holds everything. From movie tickets to an old record player. There's even laces from the first pair of cleats I wore when I first played soccer in elementary school. Nostalgia. You're a fascinating thing.

After I clean up, I go through my messages and call my mom. Dad was really taken. Hopefully things will get better now.
Then I answer Peter. He said he can't hang out tonight. Stark put him on an extra shift for practice.
Then I text Wanda.

I fell asleep last night, sorry
It's great!

I don't want her to know I'm in trouble. Ice and foundation will help with the black eye. A few minutes later I get a reply.

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