Chapter 2: Daddy, I want to Paint"

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Pain is inevitable, when there's happiness, pain and suffering would also follow and vice-versa.

Some will view it as shallow, some will takes it it lightly.  But some were drowning to that kind of feeling of grief. They cannot bring themselves back on the surface, where they can breathe steadily.

A smiling face will never perceives happiness. Sometimes, it's a facade. Some smiles though they were hurting. Beneath that smiling face hides different scars.

"Daddy, I want to paint"

In the past, these words brings delight to Yibo. He remembers, he'll sit down, cuddling his daughter, while teaching her how to properly hold a brush. Yibo will then had this genuine smile plastered on his handsome face, eyes sparkling as he told Hannah, how art changes his life. That through art classes, he was given the opportunity to meet Elizabeth and how he fell in love with her.

But now?

"Daddy, I want to paint"

These words induced fear in him. The kind of fear that consumed him. He was afraid, that his daughter will also experience the kind of suffering that he had encountered.

So he had done all he could, for Hannah not to partake the path which he chose. He's afraid, that his daughter will also suffer.

"No, you won't Hannah. Daddy said no, and that's final"- he stated firmly, while having this serious expression.

The young girl ducked her head and bit her lips, hands gripping her paintbrush tightly. As she looks at his father with hate and sadness.

Yibo was taken aback by those expressions coming from his very own daughter. It pains him to see, that Hannah hates him as well. He didn't like the sadness projecting in her big rounded blue eyes.

"You're still the same Daddy, and I hate you for that"

Yibo didn't expect, that one day, he will hear these words coming from his daughter. His daughter always smiles at him, whenever she sees him. But now, she's looking at him with hate, visible in her eyes, with distasteful expression written on her pretty face.

Yibo still had this indifferent expression as he looks at his daughter. Hannah turned back and marched all the way out of his Daddy's room.

Yibo then let go of the tears that he's been holding. He breakdowns once again. He's sobbing, weeping, and wailing. He let of go of his pain. It's painful, he's hurting. Foolish as it is, but it's the only way he can think of. To shield his daughter, away from the pain that he's enduring right now.

For he can see that painful scene vividly. His daughter, holding a paintbrush as she cries, tears streaming from her chubby cheeks, saying these words. "Daddy, it's your fault, you taught me how to paint.  Now, I'm hurting... because of you"

He'll burst out if it will happen. He will instantly and without a doubt, will end his life if that happens.

He doesn't want his little princess to suffer.

'But, aren't you hurting her now? By ripping her dream away from her? You're hurting your daughter Yibo'

Once again, he heard that small voice inside his head. The voice, that is telling him how incompetent he is.

Then there's another voice. 'You failed again, Wang Yibo. You're still the same, a failure'

So his grip tightens as he closes his eyes. No matter what he did, he will always ended up inflicting pain, to those that he holds dearly in his heart.

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