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You got out of the shower, your hair soaking wet as you shivered from the hit of cold air. Grabbing your towel as you quickly wrapped yourself with it and sat of you bath mat. You sighed before grabbing the blow drier and drying your hair. You rose from your sitting position before putting your hair into a bun. 

You walk out of the bathroom after getting dressed and walked over to your bed, wait hold on. You turn on the lamp right by your bed to find Sun and Moon snuggling with each other. You squeal before quickly taking out your phone and taking a photo, this was to sweet for your poor human eyes to take. You turned off the lamp and hid in the closet as you leave a crack and start to record them. Moon sat up as he kissed sun on the check before laying back down, Sun crawled a top of him as he lays down on Moon before falling back to sleep. You stop recording before sneaking out of the room and resting on the couch. You set your phone on the coffee table before laying on your back and falling asleep.

Moon's pov:

I stretched softly, moving sun back on the bed before sneaking out of the room. I looked at the clock in the hallway, 3 a.m. I sighed, rubbing my eyes tiredly before walking downstairs. I looked at the couch, y/n was fast asleep. I frowned before sneaking over and snatching their phone. They really need to switch their password, its to easy to guess. I went to their camera roll as my eyes widen. This bitch!  i thought to myself. I went upstairs and shock sun, he groaned. after he was fully awake i showed him the photo and video that y/n took. Sun easily turned a bright red, i almost broke the phone in half but then re-thought it out.

Sun's pov:

I was a bright red, my checks where burning- like A LOT!  I covered my face with a pillow, crossing my legs. I felt to embarrassed to even look at moon, I heared him set down the phone before picking me up and resting down in the bed. 


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