{Four}🩵Hard work🩵

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"Hey, class starts in an hour. I'm getting you up so we aren't late." Luke popped his head into his room.

Jake looked down from his bed, "I'm not going, I have to do something today. You head off without me, get any work from R-, Professor Rosy for me." Jake mumbled, burrying his head back into the pillow.

Luke sighed and left, this was really concerning for Jake. He always was excited to come to class, and he usually is asleep when Luke pokes his head in. Some days he had to drag him down from the loft just to get him up, but today he was up and awake. These thoughts stayed with him until he saw Zander. The two lover shared a quick peck before walking off to class hand in hand. They made small talk and enjoyed being in each other's company.


The day went by as usual, Luke and Zander had class, they all met up for lunch, without Jake though. They practiced for tournaments together, hung out, studied for upcoming tests, the list went on. But Hailey's mind kept wandering off to her best friend. She hadn't seen him since yesterday and she was really starting to miss him. Soon it was afternoon and everyone was getting ready to head up to Lukes dorm. They all wanted to check on Jake, even Zander. He wouldn't admit that though.

"Did you see him this morning?" Milly asked as they all walked together.

"Yeah, he was awake. Sounded surprisingly calm, especially after last night." Luke answered while grasping Zander's hand, he looked up at him.

"What do you mean? Didn't he just not eat with us and look stress? Oh and he didn't show up to class this morning right?"

"I guess, but he also was crying last. Hope he's doing okay." Luke sighed as they neared his dorm, he opened it up and everyone piled it. Hailey remained quiet up until now,

"I'm going to go to him." She didn't wait for a reply and began walking to his room. As she was nearing it she heard a loud bang and sounds of water, scared she rushed to the door and opened it. Water flowed out revealing a wet room and a soaked Jake. He awkwardly laughed,

"Hey Hails, uhm. How's Celeste?"

"She's doing okay, what happened?" She asked, slightly confused by how cheery he was. Luke and Sean described him as sort of depressed and paranoid, but he seemed back to normal today.

"Uhm er, oh can you get Sean? He'll be able to help me dry the place off, and myself." Jake avoided the question, Hailey left a mental question to herself before calling Sean over. He looked surprised to see a soaking room but quickly helped dry everything down with some of his division spells before leaving to tell the group what just happened.


Hailey had stayed in Jakes room, the two close friends spent a while talking. She didn't see him all day so enjoyed just being in his company. "Okay so what have you been doing all day? Luke said you didn't come to class." She asked while lying on his bed. Jake looked up at her with an uncomfortable expression, he was sitting at his desk.

"Nothing, I just read a lot."

"About what." She said, not really a question. Jake held his breath a little before answering,

"Light magic, I mastered it today-".

"Wait what?! Does't that take until your 8th term!?" Hailey blurted out leaning over the edge, he looked at her and beamed,

"I'm just too good, but remember I was still a level 8 the other day."

"Don't get too cocky Sterling, but how did you? It's nearly impossible to level up that fast." She said noticing him glance towards his desk before answering.

"Just a lot of work princess blueberry. Don't worry you'll catch up." Jake smirked playfully at her, she let out a huff.

"I'm only a level 7, so I don't worry about that. Plus I'm ranked 10th in my division." He held his hands up in defense.

"Hey I said nothing, I'll be right back. I need to use the restroom." Hailey watched him leave the room quickly, her eyes averted to his desk. She quickly climbed down and looked at an open book. The page it was open on was about Hydromancy magic. She was shocked, the page that it was turned on was a list of level 7 spells, recognizing one of them was a flooding water spell. She saw little sticky notes on the page, Jakes handwriting. It was just little annotations on stuff he needs to improve. She flipped backwards and saw his notes on level 9-10 for luminescence.

"Hailey?" She jumped in surprise to see Jake in his doorway. His eyes looked at what she was doing.

"S-sorry, I was just curious." She admitted guilty, he sighed and his brows furrowed. Snapped his fingers, the books closed and floated swiftly onto a bookshelf in his room as Jake closed his door.

"How!? You don't have a wand on you!? And, and-". She began to spout all these questions. Jake rubbed his neck sheepishly,

"Calm down, I'll explain to you. I was going to tell you once I've gotten two more divisions down but you already saw the book." Luke knocked twice before opening the door that was just closed.


"Hey everyone's leaving, it's almost curfew. Make sure to say bye to them today Jake. You're worrying us by staying cooped up in here." The three made their way out to the rest of the group, Sean and Milly were relieved Jake was fine. Zander rolled his eyes and kissed Luke on the cheek. They said their goodbyes and everyone soon left. Except Hailey.

"You staying the night?" Luke asked turning to her, she looked over at Jake who shrugged.

"I guess, but I don't have clothes."

Jake rolled his eyes, "Just wear mine, you've worn them before."

"Okay, I guess that's settled." She smiled as Jake left to his room.

"Night Luke." He called, Luke answered back.

"Okay good night you two." Hailey walked towards Jakes room.

"Night." When she entered the room she saw her best friend in a pair of sleep pants and no shirt.

"Jake!" She said covering her bright red face with her hands. This caused the peach boys eyes to roll.

"You've seen me shirtless, plus I was going to put a tank top on anyways so chill." He chuckled tossing it on. She crossed her arms and pouted.

"Still, anyways what do you want me to wear?" Jake handed her a pair of sleep pants and an oversized sweatshirt.

"Here. When you get back we'll talk." She nodded before leaving to get ready in the bathroom.


"So we going to talk or just sit here like ducks?" Hailey asked, she was once again on his bed while he sat at his desk.

"Don't worry I'll try to make this quick, I know my princess needs her beauty sleep." Jake gave her a cheeky wink. He spent the next hour discussing with her, telling everything about the situation. Well maybe not everything, like that he may have to try and kill someone from their history books, or the fact he might die.

"Wow, that's a lot. So you aren't going to classes anymore?" She asked rubbing her eyes.

"Yeah, sorry. But please don't tell anyone about this. I'm only telling you cause you're my best friend." Jake said stretching.

"Oh, okay-". She said but let out a yawn mid sentence. He let out a small laugh,

"Alright you go to sleep, you've got class in the morning princess." She rolled her eyes,

"Must you call me that?"

Jake nodded, "Of course I must, night."

"Good night." She mumbled before closing her eyes and falling asleep. He smiled before turning off the main light but keeping a small orb of light on his desk. Jake walked over to the bookshelf and pulled out the book. He continued reading and studying the material a majority of the night, well just reading rather than practicing as he didn't want to wake anyone.


Hailey let out a small yawn as she woke up, she sat up and stretched a little before looking over the edge of the bed. She saw Jake asleep on his desk with the open book. Checking the time she had about 2 hours till class, good. She walked into Jakes bathroom as she always left some things there just in case. After she finished getting ready she walked out into their kitchen area and saw Luke drinking some tea. "Good morning Hailey."

"Morning." She yawned sitting down, Hailey wondered how the boy was always up early. They sat for a while talking before Luke said,

"I have to go, but tell Jake I'm going to be out. Date with Zander." Hailey smiled at this,

"Okay have fun bye."

Luke smiled in return, "Alright bye."

He waved and left the dorm room, Hailey groaned. She had an hour till class, that being said she walked back to his room. "Jake, wake up." She gently shook him.

He let out a yawn before turning to her, "Oh hi Hails."

"Good morning sleepy. Usually you don't wake up instantly, whats the change?" She asked while rubbing his head.

"Dunno, I've just been trying to work on this." He signaled to the book. It was open on the same page as she saw last night. Hailey wouldn't say it aloud but she sort of liked this focused Jake. It made her smile.

"Hailey? Don't you have class?" Jake spoke snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Oh right, I better get going then." She answered about to head out.

"Wait I'll come with you. I need to see Professor Rosy anyways." Jake said getting up, he quickly went into the bathroom to change and brush his teeth.


"Are you sure? I mean we do have time, my class doesn't start for another 30 minuets. Plus I don't want you to lose your energy." She said looking at the ground.

Jake just smiled at her, "It'll be fine, I need to practice it anyways. Plus those regular spells don't drain me anymore, it's just your division as I'm not used to it." She sighed and reluctantly let him preform the spell.

But within seconds they found themselves in front of the Hydromancy class. She looked at him astonished, he looked perfectly fine with a bright smile. "See I'm good, been getting stronger."

"Okay fine, I'll give you that. But what now? I still have 20 minuets left." She faced him, he just smirked at her.

"We go inside, that's what."

"Jake! No that's rude, you-". She began but he already opened the door and walked inside the classroom. Headmistress Rosy was already there, she was going over some notes at her desk.

Hailey followed him inside saying, "Jake! I'm so sorry Professor we didn't mean to intrude."

Rosy let out a small laugh, "It's okay dear. Jake how are your studies coming along?"

"Going fine, I already mastered the luminescence division. I'm currently working on level 7 for hydromancy." He beamed at her. Hailey just smiled, but it faded into confusion as she heard the next words.

"Very good, you look happier today. Have you mentally accepted your possible fate?" Rosy turned to him.

Jake hesitated and noticed Hailey's face before saying, "Kind of."

"What do you mean?" Hailey asked now getting anxious. Rosy just gave him a looked that asked, "So you didn't tell her yet?" Jake looked at the ground, he wasn't ready to tell her yet.

"Nothing, just the fact that I have to finish up with all the divisions." He sternly answered, Rosy's face held little to no emotion. She felt bad as he was still just a kid, he didn't deserve to have to deal with this matter. Hailey didn't believe it. She knew he was hiding something, but other students were entering to start class so she let it go. For now.

"Okay Jake, I have a class. I'll test you over your luminescence division when we meet, and yes. Hailey you can join us. Jake could use a little help." The headmistress grinned, Jake groaned.

"Hey I'm doing just fine studying on my own Rosy, but yeah I'd like you to come." Hailey smiled and told him she had to go sit down. After hugging him bye she couldn't help but feel something was very wrong.


"Hey guys! Where's Jake?" Hailey asked, she just finished her class and everyone was waiting for her. Except Jake.

"He went back up to the dorms, I think he said something about needing to practice something. I ran into him this morning." Sean answered as they all began talking. The group wanted to head over to the courtyard to just hang out for a while.

"So what did ya'll do when we left?" Milly smirked hinting at something.

"Luke went to bed while Jake went on an hour long rant to me about how he got to level 10 in his division." Hailey groaned as their eyes widened.

"Wait I thought he was a level 8?" Zander asked, they were all ranging from level 3-5 except her and Jake. Hailey shrugged,

"Well Jake just said he worked extremely hard yesterday." She was really good at lying surprisingly as everyone bought it. They all began walking, they mainly were talking about ranks and levels.

"How did you and Jake get ahead so fast? I mean you study and practice a lot but Jake just goofs off all the time." Milly said while poking at her arm. Hailey shrugged,

"Well he's always been a natural, I won't lie he could've been a level 10 last year if he focused. I mean you're a level 3 right? Do you know your rank?"

"No don't bother as I'm pretty far down, but aren't there only a few people with ranks 7 and up? I heard those units take forever. Like I'm talking years." Milly said as they entered the courtyard.

"Yeah, I'm barely in 7. Surprised that Jake completed two long and hard ones in just a day, I might ask him for help." She beamed, Luke chimed into their conversation.

"How would he help you though? You're in two different divisions."

She just smiled, "He will, that's just it." And just as she said that they all noticed Jake walk into the courtyard. They were in a corner that wasn't really noticeable so he didn't see them. The courtyard was practically empty, it was just the group. Jake was looking around making sure no one was around before walking to a regular stone wall. Milly was about to call his name but Zander stopped her.

"Wait, he's up to something. Let's just watch." They watched as he pressed one of the bricks into the wall, a huge passage way opened up and they were shocked. Jake hesitantly went inside, the stone shook and closed back up as he entered.

"Let's follow him, something is not right." Milly urged, everyone agreed and did the same actions Jake had done.


The group walked into the dimly lit staircase. The walls looked old and unkept, they all had wondered what Jake was doing down here. Once they made it down the stairs, there stood an old door. Sean was the first to make a move and open it. They all witnessed a grand library, following each other one by one walking inside. There was no one in here, well except them and Jake. "What is this?" Luke mumbled.

They walked deeper in, books stood on shelves lining the walls. Soon they saw Jake, carrying a few books with worn covers. He was with Professor Rosy, they were discussing something. "Jake?" Zander called out. The two heads turned to them, one surprised. The other beamed at them warmly,

"Ah I expected that, Jake go finish up your studies. Be ready for Saturday." Rosy turned to Jake who just nodded and walked off with the books.

"Professor Rosy? What is this and what is Jake doing?" Hailey asked, she thought Jake had told her everything.

"Oh just some extra things to prepare him for the weekend, and yes he told you everything. Well maybe not everything. But after your class I when up to his dorm and gave him instructions to meet me here." She smiled, there was a mischievous twinkle in her eye. Hailey had noticed it but decided to just ask Jake herself soon.

"What are you talking about?" Milly said joining the conversation. Sean, Luke, and Zander nodded. Hailey just looked to the headmistress.

"Oh children, nothing you need to worry about." The professor answered, she knew Jake didn't tell them yet even though he should've. But she wanted Jake to be the one to tell them.

This was a lot of work. But I hope you enjoyed this silly little chapter, I don't expect my books to really get attention but I thank those who enjoy reading it. Also thank y'all Tiyas children for welcoming me today<3 honestly felt really nice in that discord server.

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