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I woke up and my head is paining like someone hit it with rod.. i open my eyes and saw abhi is sleeping on my side and his head is on my tummy..

Aww...... he is looking soo cutee...

I started crasseing his hairs and felling movement he woke up ..
When he wake up first thing he do is he hugged me very tightly that i am going to vanish in air .. a moment he left mee..

Are you okay babe....

Do you need anything......

Is it paining somewhere...

I am just looking at him  after looking at him i breakdowm ... i cried my heart out

shhh...baby.. see i am here with you...please dont cry.....  my heatt is aching please... meri jaan...

I stopped crying and burried my face in his chest..
I amm.....fine..abhi..... i replied.

Do you need anything... he asked.

You..... i replied..

He smiled and hugged me..

Sorry baby.....
Its my fault i cant be able to protect you..... he said while crying..

No..no..abhi its not your fault..please dont yourself please....pretty please.... i said while hugging him

I wiped his teares and ..

Mr.Abhimaan Rajvansh listen to me very carefully i am angery with  you...
I said with fake anger...

Why..meri jaan...  he asked me while cressing my cheeks with his hands

Because.. you..mr... you..know..you shout and me.... i said while making puppy face.

I am soo sorry meri jaan i know .. please i really sorry please...mujhe maf kar doo...pretty please......
I know i beacame angery .. please i am stressed about work and ..... mistankely i shouted at you..........he said making puppy face..

Aw... he looking so cute i just want to kiss him but... i am angrey with him .. he shouted at me.. his jaan how can he do that..... i thought..

Aese to nhi manu gii main....  i said making pout

To aap kese mane gi meri jaan..... he asked me whilw smiling..

Manana pade ga efforts karne pade ge ..... hum aese nhi mane ge.. .... i repled

I just what to play with him..


Its been week since that incident  and now i am felling quite good

Abhimaan literally brought eveyone type of rose to say sorry to me.
But when he got to know that  i like tulpis more then roses so he daily brought tulips which matches my dress

He even says sorry to me thousand times for his rude behavoiur.

He is so cute..

Bua and kavita dadi went to their home .
And now its night time and abhi is  preparing  bath tub for me.

He is sooo cute..

He came from bathroom

"Babe grt up and go and fresh up i fill the bathtup" ......he said and i noded and went inside
After coming inside i strip myself and went inside the after  some mintues i called abhi.

"ABHIII"......... i called him  while siting in bathtub

He came running inside the bathroom.

" what happen bacha ... you need anyting?...... he asked me..

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