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Abhimaan hugged her and started consoling her

And he held aena tight and whispered

"Jaan please don't cry"

To which she shook her head and didn't stop crying

Abhimaan tried to calm her down but she wasn't listening to him

He looked at her and held her chin and made her look at him and leaning towards her he captured her lips in his

Aena stopped crying instantly when she felt his lips on hers she closed her eyes when she felt him taking her upper lips in between his and sucking it slowly yet firmly

Abhimaan only kissed her so that he can distract her and when he felt that Aena stopped crying he parted ways

Aena opened her eyes and looked at him with a small pout Making him to adore her

Her cheeks and nose has become red due to crying and on that her pout

"What happened jaan"

Abhimaan whispered asked her, seeing her pout and rubbing his thumb on her cheeks

"Why did you stop"

Asked Aena in a low voice


Asked Abhimaan  being confused, but his confusion flow away when he heard her saying

"Kiss me Mr. Abhimaan Rajvansh"

And next second his lips were on hers And he started kissing her but she was not responding, she just wanted to feel him by closing her eyes

Abhimaan  pulled her closer by her waist and now her chest is touching with his, her hand fisted on his shirt

when Abhimaan  felt that Aena  is struggling to breathe he left her lips with a deep suck

Both were panting Aena  opened her eyes and looked at him with innocent eyes Her hand is still fisted on his shirt

She was looking at him without blinking He raised his brow at her

In response she closed her eyes and brought her lips near his and stopped there and waited for him to kiss her

There lips were almost touching eachother, Abhimaan  smiled and pecked her lips

Aena  opened her eyes and pouted again

Making him chuckle

"Jaan ....what happened?"

As soon as he asked this her eyes again filled with tears making him regret for asking her this

Aena said in between her crying

"I thought....I'll never be able to see you again" and continued crying

Now abhimaan became tensed, if she continues crying like this she'll fall sick he thought

He tried to calm her down

"Why did you think like that jaan don't you trust me?"

he asked her to which she shook her head and said

"B.... because....i... thought.... he ....will.....killl...me...
And continue crying ...

"Ma-an"... aena said

"Yes jaan" abhimaan said

"Maan my back is hurting ...ah.. she said while hissing in pain

"SHIT"..abhimaan said

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