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As doctor told me to say the gender of  baby .

I prouldly says.


I took the little bundle of joy in my Arms and looked at him with my blurred vision

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I took the little bundle of joy in my Arms and looked at him with my blurred vision.

"Daddy loves you my boy" ....I whispered with a smile.

I took him outside. Maa , papa, Abhay , sarah, Aadit and isha  rushed to me and i  could see how emotional they are.

Maa took him in her arms and read some prayers thanking God to bless us with him.

Aadit hugged me tightly and I wrapped my arms around him too.

"How is Aena" ...Maa asked me.

" She is fine. She slept feeling exhausted and will be shifted to the normal ward in an hour or two." I said .

After some time.....

The nurse came and took the baby for some tests.

"I should go home now....will come back with dinner " Maa said to me and I nodded.

I was overwhelmed with the emotions. For a moment I felt like my heart will come out of mouth seeing her screaming and crying in pain.

Indeed women's are strong ....much stronger then men.

They go through so much to bring a new life to the world.

Giving birth is no less then a miracle. My respect for women increased after witnessing this phenomenon.

Aena got shifted to the normal ward. Everyone met her briefly and left. I walked towards her and kissed her forhead making her open her eyes.

"Thankyou so much my love...."I said and
she smiled at me

. "I love you ...." I said pecking her lips.
" I love you too...." she whispered caressing my cheek.

"Do you want to eat something...I asked her and she nodded in No.
" Is it still paining somewhere."...I asked her settling on the chair beside her bed.

"It's just a mild pain but more then that it feels like someone sucked all the energy out of me ...." she said making me chuckle.

We heard our boy crying and a nurse entered the room with him in her arms.

"Ma'am it's time for the feed ...." she said and I stood up. She adjusted the bed and gave the baby in Aena's  arm.

She left after asking if we need some help but Aena shook her head. I helped her in opening the gown button and she gave the nipple in baby's mouth.

How cutely he is having his milk ....I said admiring my little boy..


After feeding baby i handed him to maan and he carefully placed him on his   bassinet  .

ISHQ KI DASTAANWhere stories live. Discover now