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The cafe buzzed with the low murmur of conversations and the clink of coffee cups, a stark contrast to the gravity of the headlines that screamed from the newspaper in Raven's hands. The revelation that a skeleton had overpowered a boss monster had turned the town's attention to the Dreemurr case with renewed fervor.

"Oh, that's interesting.", said Raven as she read one of the newspapers in a café.

Her gaze drifted to a small table, opposite to hers, where she saw a particular skeleton sitting there.

"He is not the same skeleton; I saw the other day. Maybe he is Sans.", Raven thought.

With decisive motion, she seated in front of the skeleton, who slightly flinched but maintained his composure.

"uhm.... excuse me?", Sans asked the unexpected occupant.

"I am Raven the witch. Please don't confuse me for a human even if we are hardly distinguishable."

"well, that doesn't spell as to why you are here."

"But I know why you are here. You want to clear your brother's name don't' you?"

"heh, guess it was pretty obvious. but why the interest from a dreemurr pal?"

"You surely did your research."

"i may be a lazy bone but i don't mind scrolling some webpages."

"Can I aid you in this case of yours?"

"you're pretty chipper for someone who just lost a friend. doesn't exactly make me trust ya."

"Well, it was a little promise that I made to Asgore's grandfather. Working for the family ever since that."

"so, you're offering to help me out?"

Raven nods.

"then, how 'bout you take me to Muffet, the one who discovered the body?"

"Fine, if that helps."


Muffet's living room was a cozy, draped in silken threads that glistened in the morning sun. The couch, though webby, was surprisingly comfortable, inviting the guests to relax amidst the unusual décor.

"Would you care for some spider donuts?" Muffet offered, her many eyes gleaming with hospitality.

"No, thank you. Spider cider would be splendid," Raven interjected, before Sans could have even managed to utter a word

Raven leaned in, her voice a hushed murmur, "They reek of spiders... and jelly."

Muffet, oblivious to the exchange, poured both of the a spider cider "So, sad to hear of your brother dear." she said to Sans

"It's okay. They will release him sooner or later." Sans asserted.

"If your brother is innocent, then who could have killed Asgore?", Muffet asked.

"We currently have no idea.", Raven replied. "Do you have any suspects in mind?"

"Noone deary~ but you of all people should know that Asgore didn't have an enemy in the world."

"Why not a burglar?", Sans questioned.

"That's because he was a boss monster." Raven replied

"And there were no signs of struggles in his house", Muffet added

"Atleast that's what the newspapers say.", said Raven not liking that she got interrupted by Muffet.

"Well, what 'bout the doc who was to see Asgore each Friday, but didn't, on that particular day?", Sans asked.

"That's sus.", Raven said.

"Alphys is too much of a scaredy cat to pose an actual threat to Asgore.", said Muffet.

"However, we can't rule out the fact that she is to receive 1000G after Asgore's death.", Raven said.

"But deary, it's not very wise of you to jump to conclusions so quickly.", Muffet argued.

"That's that, but you can tell me about the message.", Sans asked preventing the matter from escalating further.

"You mean the table turning?", both the ladies uttered the question at the same time.

"ya, know despite the bone-chilling weather, you still went to see Asgore that night, Muffet. Kinda makes me wonder what spooked ya into going. Was it the vibe from the seance? or just a gut feeling? eh, i'm just rattling my bones here. what's your take?"

"You surely did your research deary, but I can't really put it in the way I want. I honestly just did these things for the fun of it and I never even believed them--yet."

"You went there despite the absurdity.", Raven said.

Muffet nodded.

Sans rose and let out his hand.

"thanks.", he said simply.

"Sorry deary~. I wish I could have helped more. If I were cleverer, I would have hit something that could have been a clue. At any rate count on me and my fellow spiders for anything you want. We won't disappoint you, Ahuhu."

"That would be webby helpful.", Sans said. "I will."

"Good bye Muffet.", said Raven.

Undertale Murder Mystery (Sittaford Mystery x Undertale)Where stories live. Discover now