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As Raven walked briskly along the lane she noticed the misty atmosphere of the monster city. "What an awful season" thought Raven. "If it isn't snowing, it's misty and if the sun does shine it's so cold that you can't even feel your fingers."

Raven approached the solid oak door of the Dreemurr house and rang the bell. The door was opened by Asriel who greeted her with an awkward smile.

"Howdy Raven. What brings you here?", Asriel said as he gestured her to come in.

"Just wanted to visit.", Raven said, taking a seat on a comfy couch.

"Mother is in her bedroom. So, she can't talk right now."

"It's perfectly fine, Asriel. I came here just to see you."

"Oh why- I mean I am glad you did so."

"Have you been in contact with Chara?"

"Umm, not much. Why?"

"They pranked me a few days ago."

"Oh, but what does this have to do with me?"

"I wanted to let you know about it, just in case.", Raven replied.

At this point, it would make perfect sense if one were to assume that Raven isn't the best at interrogations.

"Why did Chara move to east though? They were doing perfectly fine here.", Raven asked.

"It was because of their job. You know, transfer and stuff like that.", Asriel replied.

"I am sure they must have made new friends there. Speaking of which, do you know any 'friends' they made?"

"Just a few. Working as an ambassador probably doesn't earn you quite a lot of friends."

"You know, I might think differently if it weren't for the rise of these anti-monster groups. Ever ponder why they never quite hit their mark?"

Asriel, however, seemed distant, his gaze darting around the room, a bead of sweat forming on his brow. He let out a nervous snort, barely concealing his agitation.

Suddenly, Asriel's demeanor shifted to one of feigned realization. "Oh, what a shame, something's just come up! (Nervous chuckle) How about we catch up another time, huh?" His voice was tinged with forced cheerfulness as he ushered Raven towards the door with a haste and closing it abruptly behind her.

Funny enough, Raven had skillfully left her phone on the couch she sat on, unperceived by Asriel who after closing the door didn't lock it. Raven was fully aware of the fact for she didn't hear the sound of the lock.

Raven waited a little and opened the door very gently. She passed across the threshold. The living room was deserted, perhaps Asriel was upstairs. Raven approached the stairs and carefully took one step at a time. She reached far enough to hear two people talking: Asriel and Toriel.

Suddenly there was a break in the conversation – a sound of footstep. Raven retreated rapidly.

When Asriel opened his mother's door and came down the stairs, he was surprised to find his late guest standing in the hall peering about her in a lost dog kind of way.

"My phone," she explained. "I must have left it. I came back for it."

"I think it's in there.", said Asriel.

They went into the drawing room and there, sure enough, on a little table near where Raven had been sitting lay the missing phone.

"Thank you, Asriel." said Raven. "It's so stupid of me."

"You spoke those words right out of my mind.", Asriel wondered.

The parted their ways, and this time Raven hear the door being locked. She went down the drive with plenty to think about for, as that door on the upper landing had opened, she had heard distinctly one sentence spoken by Asriel.

"Will tonight never come?"


Raven called Sans immediately upon reaching home and told him about the meeting.

"welp, that was a clever move on your part. have to give you that.", Sans said.

"What are we supposed to do now? Should we wait?", Raven asked.

"no way, you goata spy on them tonight."

"Is it really necessary? You sure he didn't make that statement out of sheer exhaustion?"

"you got to do it. no question."


"didn't ya sign up for this?"

"I-I did but- fine. I will do it even if it means missing on a good night sleep."

"that's the spirit!"

"What about the Chara?"

"looks like they did catch up with their pal, Frisk and as you said, they are currently hangin' around outside the borders of deltarune."

"When will you comeback?"

"i'll be back by tomorrow. don't you worry, bye."

The call ended.

Undertale Murder Mystery (Sittaford Mystery x Undertale)Where stories live. Discover now