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"Have you found yourself a place to stay?", Raven asked as they retraced their steps from Muffet's.

"Nah, still gotta find a hotel.", Sans replied.

"You can stay at my house. That way we can maximize our time and resources to catch the killer."

"that's fine as long as i am not cramping your style."

They arrived at Raven's house. The drawing room welcomed them with an air of old-world charm, and they settled in, Raven on the sofa and Sans on the chair, both lost in thought.

"Listen closely," she began, her voice steady and determined. "I believe I've found a starting point. It's just a theory, but it's worth exploring."

"i am all ears."

She sighed, a hint of frustration in her voice. "You're familiar with table turning, aren't you?"

"i've definitely heard of it."

"Good. Then you must know that it's a game that's easily manipulated."

"like shoving?"

"Exactly. The table starts spelling out a name, and often, someone recognizes it. They hope it's not the name they're thinking of, but unconsciously, they're pushing the table."

"that's mighty specific but go on."

"What I'm trying to say is that the 'pushing' is involuntary. It's an unconscious reaction. The less you want a name to appear, the more likely it is to happen."

"so, you are sayin' that someone at the meeting knew about the murder?"


"but that's pointin' fingers at the dreemurrs"

"This generation of Dreemurrs has really caught me off guard."

"what do you mean?"

"Ever since Toriel and Asgore divorced, things changed."


"Like Chara immediately moving to East Deltarune."

"the adopted one?"

"Yes, and Toriel refuses to talk about them. As if she has excluded Asgore and Chara from her life."

"what about Asriel?"

"He is queer too, but not as peculiar as the other one."

Sans propped himself up, his mind racing like Undyne on a treadmill.

"what did the cops say of Chara?"

"Chara claimed to have been meeting a human friend. It's unlikely, given their strained relations with humans"

"did the police check it out?"

"No, they couldn't. The human left Deltarune a while ago. Plus, the rising tensions between humans and monsters prevented Undyne from questioning the 'friend'.."


"Yes. So, I called Chara and asked about this friend."


"After some persuasion, they gave me the friend's phone number.."

"you gave 'em a buzz?"



"They picked up."

"what did they spill?"

"This is Pizza Palace speaking, would you like a pepperoni pizza with a side of garlic bread??"

"say what now?"

"You asked me what the 'friend' said."

"what's that?"

"Chara gave me the phone no. of a pizza delivery service."

"playing pranks on you, weren't they?"

"I recorded the conversation I had with Chara. What do you say? Should we go after then?"

"zip it over. i will go after them, while you investigate the dreemurrs."


"and maybe observe them after dark, if you gotta."

"That might be a bit unnecessary-"

"(Yawns) thanks a bunch. we will hit the ground tomorrow.", He said as he drifted off to sleep on the chair itself.


The next day, Sans was seated in Inspector Undyne's officer. Despite the impression he had made on the police officer, Undyne still let him enter the office for the skeleton claimed to have made a vital observation.

"got something you might wanna hear" Sans said, handing the phone over to Undyne.

The recording played out a message between Raven and Chara with the former actively asking questions about Chara's whereabouts during the murder hours.

"So, could she contact 'the friend'?", Undyne asked.

"nah, the kid pranked them. gave her a number to a pizza joint."

Undyne let out a heavy sigh, with her frustration clear. "I will be honest. It is pretty darn OK to assume that Chara could be the murderer.  They're clammed up tighter than a snail in its shell."

"Pretty elusive, aren't they?", Sans commented.

"Raven is not the only one who managed to squeeze out a number from them. Can't prank a police officer, can they?"

"so, what did the person on the other end say?"

"They testified on Chara's behalf. So, no concrete evidence collected."

"what is their name?"

Undyne was getting progressively irritated.

"The name's Frisk... But let's cut to the chase, Sans. You're here hoping I'd release Papyrus just because you've got a hunch? NO EVIDENCE, NO BROTHER!!", Undyne replied aggressively.

Sans leaned forward, undeterred. "There's more to it, though. How many fishy people are on your radar?"

"Classified information, punk."

"i am gonna throw a bone here and guess you're eyeing on everyone who gains from Asgore's demise."

Undyne was surprised at Sans' deduction but she kept a straight face. Not showing a bit of emotion on it.

"that includes: me, Paps, you, Raven, Muffet, Chara, Asriel, Alphys and-"

"Toriel", Undyne said.

"yes, that one. now, at the time of murder nearly more than half of the suspects were at Toriel's."


"if we exclude those people, we are left with: Me, Paps, Alphys, Chara and you."


"they are the ones we need to focus on."


"Are you rhyming now?"

"Since did WE start working TOGETHER?", she challenged her patience wearing thin.

Sans stood, unfazed. "one more thing—"

But Undyne was already on her feet, escorting him to the door with a firm grip.

"You better GET OUT." Undyne screamed at Sans.

"what if the whole murder thing did not go down at 5:25?" Sans mused aloud.

"Enough, Sans!" Undyne's voice was a growl as she opened the door and pushed him out.

Sans landed with a thud, but his voice carried back into the office.  

"definitely something worth noting? don't ya think?", He said, fully aware that Undyne ignored his words.

Undertale Murder Mystery (Sittaford Mystery x Undertale)Where stories live. Discover now