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"What does Miss Grace think?" Rosie stepped back, her hands wringing together nervously though Grace could see her smile through the mirror. She shook her hair behind her back, the ringlet curls falling over her shoulders as Rosie rushed forward to press a few pins better into place, holding all but her bangs from her face.

"Rosie, stop fussing, I love it!" Grace assured her, pulling away from the elves' small hands.

"Miss does look perfect." Rosie agreed, stepping towards the jewelry box on the large dresser across the room. "What jewelry-"

"Rosie, you're very sweet to help me with my hair, but I'm sure you have so much to do. I don't want to keep you-"

"No! Rosie is on top of it, plenty of time." She assured, pulling down a matching pair of earrings and a thin golden necklace. She held them towards Grace for only a second before the blonde nodded, reaching for them and clasping the gold around the back of her neck, sliding the first earring through her ear.

"Alright, I really think you've run out of things to fuss over now-" Grace's breath caught in her throat as her mother's voice carried up the staircase.

"Grace!" The blonde secured her final heel before sending Rosie a thankful smile and starting down the stairs at record speed. What her mother could need this close to when she was supposed to leave...

She took the final curve of the steps and nearly fell down the next two, the sight of the tall blonde standing before the green flames of the fire.

"You're running late, dear! I promise she's not usually like this-"

"Mom!" Grace felt the familiar irritation flicker through her throat as Draco laughed easily.

"She's not. I'm early." He explained, glancing at his watch lying beneath the dark suit.

"Mom, would you find my purse, please? I think it's in the kitchen..." Her mother had already torn from the room before she had even finished her thought, Grace letting out an embarrassed sigh and turning back to Draco. "I was just about to leave, I swear."

"I didn't want you to have to show up on your own. Plus I needed a few minutes out of the chaos." He shrugged, stretching his arms out behind him as if he'd stood very rigid for most of the day, which Grace was guessing he likely had been. "You look great by the way."

"Thanks." She mumbled, thankful for the dim light from the fire which had nearly lost all it's green now. "I heard someone liked green."

"Yeah, I heard it was you." He bit back a grin as Mrs. Abbot returned, purse in hand. "You really won't need that. What are you bringing?"

"I don't know," She glanced through the contents of her purse. "Money, wand..."

"I think I can manage to keep you safe for one boring night." He assured her, setting the purse on the couch nearest them and looking to Mrs. Abbot. "It was nice to meet you, I promise I won't keep her late. I know it's a holiday."

"No worries, dear!" Her mother offered the boy a sickly sweet smile that Grace was entirely sure she had never seen before. "Have a great night! Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas." Draco nodded before nodding towards the fireplace and stepping through easily, Grace on his heels.

There was the familiar blur of scenery changing, accompanied by the rush of warm air before Grace stepped onto a beautifully tiled floor, completely soot free despite the amount of people that already filled the manor.

"Your mom talks a lot." Draco mentioned, a small smile on his face as Grace rolled her eyes.

 "You've no idea. You should have just let me come on my own."

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