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"Hi," The crisp, familiar voice rang from just behind Grace's ear as Draco slid into the open space beside her, apparently not noting, or rather, not caring for Terry's scowl at the Slytherin's appearance.

"Draco." Grace smiled, crossing one leg over the other and turning to face him.

"Think I could steal you for a bit?" He shot her a charming smile, and she practically forgot that there was anyone else in the Great Hall.

"Steal me? This close to curfew?" She glanced at the watch on her wrist, as if she had any plans to turn him down.

"Would I ever get you in trouble?" His teeth flashed through half a smirk and she shrugged, bidding Leah and Terry goodbye and letting Draco lead them out to the hallway where the rest of his friends were waiting.

"Oh, I told them you would come!" Enzo cheered, quieting at Blaise's warning stare as they began the descent to the dungeons.

"Come where?" She asked once they were out of ear shot of any remaining students finishing up their dinner.

"Nigrum lacum." Theo muttered, the closest to the wall where the hidden doorway had appeared at his words, the boys pushing through first as the low hum of music floated into the hallway before the door slammed behind Grace.

"Our party!" Enzo exclaimed now, apparently aware that he could be as loud as he pleased now, the silencing charm someone had obviously put on the exit was doing an excellent job.

"What are you celebrating?" She asked, her eyes scanning the room and landing on the golden blonde Slytherin, her voice carrying over the music, though she seemed blissfully unaware.

"Uh... the weekend?" Enzo clapped two hands on Grace's shoulders and shook her quickly before racing deeper into the crowded room out of sight.

"Good riddance. He can be someone else's problem tonight." Blaise smirked, nodding for the group to follow him inside. "Who needs a drink?"

"Me." Theo's voice rang out practically before Blaise had even spoken, leading the way towards a table near the edge of the room, lined with different colored bottles.

"Can I get you something?" Draco leaned forward so that his lips were behind Grace's ear, as if she could have missed his words without the help.

"Oh... whatever, anything. I probably won't stay too long, it'll be curfew-"

"Grace!" Daphne squealed, waving her over to the couch as Draco chuckled and took his leave to follow his friends to the drinks. "You guys remember Grace?" She nodded towards one of the girls who had been at the party on New Years who offered Grace a thin smile. "Adelaide, would you be such a dear?" She held out her empty glass to the Slytherin girl and shot her a wide eyed, pleading look for only a second before her friend had followed Draco into the crowd to refill their drinks. "Where are the boys? Getting drinks, I'd assume?"

Grace smiled easily, "I think so."

"Okay, good, so we have a few minutes..." Daphne's smile faltered slightly. "I heard... about you and Draco. The engagement." She whispered, and though she was doing her best to act sympathetic, there was a shimmer in her eyes that told Grace part of her was hoping for some beautiful romance story. "I can't even believe it. From Draco, that is. His parents have never really seemed the type. Maybe his father, but honestly, I always rather thought Narcissa was in charge over there... I'm rambling, sorry. I just mean... How are you? With everything?"

Grace swallowed, sure that the smile she had forced over her lips no longer looked real. "It was a shock... We've talked it over, Draco and I. I mean, a shock for both of us, really."

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