Part 1.

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Wangji a beautiful trans young man living his life peacefully with his family, spending his time in cultivating and never been interested in any male or female.

His life changed drastically after a sect leader Wen's son caught his eyes on him, he tried to pursue Wangji with different presents and promises but, Wangji always ignores him, not interested to be in any kinda relationship for now.

Once Wen Chao was daring enough to try pursuing Wangji in clan meeting, where Wangji politely declined his proposal telling him he's not ready for any relationship but that hurts the ego of Wen clan leader's son, resulting he can't, take the insult, he decided to take the revenge for the same.

Planned kidnapping of second Jade of Gusu...


Wangji opened his eyes it was neither too bright nor too dark still Wangji needed to adjust his eyes by blinking many times, he finds this roof strange trying to get up, but realised he's pinned down by a multiple hands, horror stuck in Wangji's body. He was trying to struggle to get free from the grips of these hands, but he can't fight so many people, and being pinned down, he tried to shake it off by vigorously shaking his body to get them off of him.

He suddenly stiff when someone's hand moved to his face, grabbed his jaw, making him look towards him very forcefully, Wangji jaw hurts from that, he saw Wen Chao is the who's grabbing his face.

'You bitch, I asked you politely but you still dare to decline my proposal, you insulted me the great Wen Chao, now I will teach you a good lesson for this'

He grabbed the Wangji face so harshly that it leaves marks on his delicate skin and the nails digging in his cuts his skin.

He tried to push away struggle hard, but those hands hold him with even more force, trying to move his face, his but just resulted in a punch landed on his face...

Those hands crawling over his body, making him feel nauseous, he wanna puke feeling disgusting, those parts are digging deep inside in soul making it hollow, he wanna push, push out every disgusting thing that's filling him, his tongue wants to scream but nothing is coming out tears dripping out eyes filled blurry image. His head is dizzy, ears are throbbing unable to hold himself, feeling suffocated, can't breathe lungs focusing for air, that had been pushed out, nothing he can do just drop tears, without sound. Slowly, everything blurred out till it becomes just dark...

Another screaming figure holds him up, pushing his palm to his neck, choking him, after finishing banged his head hard on the floor, making it bleed. Making the disgusting bitter taste of semen mixed with the metallic taste of blood, time doesn't feel like moving to him, his breath felt like running out from his organs. Like, no blood left inside his skin to bleed he heart bleed out the all nothing remains, his soul was tore away and body has been used.

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