Part 3.

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Wangji cried in pain, Xichen was standing there, he almost loses his presence of a mind for a movement, he had no particular way to react to it, it was just outrageous for him, his brother had been ruined intactly by those bastards and he can't do anything. Finally Xichen heard his uncle cry for Wangji, realising the surface sensitivity, he ran towards Wangji, rest of the disciples take care of other things.

With a quick slash, Xichen sliced Wen Chao neck and bend down towards the Wangji, While Qiren quickly wrapped Wangji's body with his outer robe, and sending his spiritual energy in Wangji's body, Xichen takes water from uncle's pouch and pour it on Wangji's face to prevent more damage than already been done, then Xichen carefully picked Wangji in his arms and fly towards the sect best healers as quick as he can.

While Qiren was transferring his spiritual energy in Wangji's body time to time.

They landed in front of the healers pavilion and Xichen opened the door with a loud bang, he put Wangji on the bed who was still in so much of a pain.

Healers let Xichen and Qiren wait outside while they were trying their best to deal with Wangji's situation.

The damaged that has been made by that chemical left most of the Wangji's face burned along with some portion of his neck, but thankfully his eyes were safe and he still hasn't lost his sight. Still, his situation was very critical.

Healers also worked on Wangji's lower body the portion had been ripped and swollen and some minor bleeding is still there in that area. They cleaned up that area completely and apply the medicine.

After eight and more hours of work healers finally come out with the news that his situation is still critical but hope it's gonna be better with the amount of medicines we give him. And advise them to give spiritual energy to Wangji.

As healer left, Xichen break down in tears, and Qiren was standing there seeing everything helplessly, disciples inform them no wen cultivator is left alive who did that to Wangji yet this doesn't give any comfort to Xichen he just want his brother safe and profound.

Time to time they continue to pass spiritual energy to Wangji, Xichen sometimes was overdoing it, so healers have to stop him, cos this can harm him and Wangji also, Qiren also transfer his spiritual energy to his younger nephew.

Qiren do have a lot of expectations from his both the nephews, he had taken care of both of them for long as their mother died and father left Qiren was the only one taking care of them. But now he wants nothing else, than seeing Wangji safe and healthy again...

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