Part 2.

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Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren were finding Wangji everywhere with their disciples, getting a news, they saw Wens coming into the territory without any information makes them suspicious and they started finding them, as a disciple informed them the tracked position he gets to know from the locals they went there.

Moving there Xichen find the place is leading to some isolate chambers inside, ordered to check each chamber specifically, he had a feeling that Wangji is somehow here, his gut feelings had never been wrong before, but today he hoped that it must be wrong and his brother is safe, he stopped in front of one chamber as he heard some whisper from there, he knocked the door, but no one responds, he started doing the constant knocking, he's scared of something for some reason but he's unable to point out that feeling he's getting from here.

Finally, someone answered 'Get lost'

'OPEN THE DOOR RIGHT NOW!' Xichen shouted.

From inside, everyone can hear his voice and his voice is easily identified, creating a panic among Wen cultivators.

Wen Xu clinches his fits and went towards the door, 'Oh see Lan Xichen is here'

'What's going on here? What are you doing?'

'We? We're having some fun here would you like to join us?' he said while pointing his thumb behind him, with a smirky smile on his lips.

Xichen eyes went behind Wen Xu and horror stuck in his spine, and Wen Xu words make his anger went beyond imagination, he slashes his sward blade Wen Xu neck resulting in his immediate death.

All Wen's inside were shocked and scared by seeing this.

Wangji moved his face in his brother's direction, looking there with eyes filled with tears, his vision was blurry but he knows that Xichen was standing there.

Wen Choa can't take brother death, order Wen Zhuliu and his disciples to kill him.

But as he looked Xichen is killing them all with unmatched speed he brings out a bottle of acid from his ropes and started laughing.

Everyone stopped and look at him who's laughing like a mad mad in a middle of a fight holding a bottle of some chemical in his hand.

Xichen feel frightened at this scene, he almost lost his balance, as he sees Wen Chao pouring that acid on Wangji's face.

'AAAAAHHHHH! Aaaah haaa Ahhh awaaah'

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