Chapter 2: Of Innocents and New Beginnings

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Rifuggi da ogni parola bugiarda; e non far morire l'innocente e il giusto; perché io non assolverò il malvagio.

Keep far from a false charge, and don't kill the innocent and righteous: for I will not justify the wicked. Exodus 23:7

Leonardo Cacciaguidi silently watched the scene unfolding in front of his eyes. Dinner was proving to be even more dreadful than the night before. Jace and Julian had tried to engage in a civil conversation with his father to understand what the Florence Conclave knew about the killings and if they had any theories. Giovanni had briefly responded that to his knowledge, there had been 30 deaths or so in total. He had dismissively attributed the killings to Downworlders' quarrels that had nothing to do with Nephilim. Jacopo had joined their father in sustaining that nothing unusual was happening in Florence and didn't fail to add: "Let them slaughter each other, less problems for us to deal with". At that remark, the overall mood of the room had become even more tense and bleak.

Clearly infuriated, Emma Carstairs had blurted out, "That might be true if these murders were not demonic in nature! And Shadowhunters are required to protect humans and Downworlders alike as part of their divine mandate, and the Accords."

Giovanni sat back in his chair and with a malevolent glare maintained, "Miss Carstairs, are you implying that we ignore our heavenly mandate? Consul Lightwood sent you here to investigate these alleged demonic attacks, of which he was informed by his warlock husband. I am starting to believe that this was all an excuse to come and spy on honest Nephilim like me and my children." He concluded, his voice almost a hiss.

"Father, I highly doubt that any of our guests were implying that you do not take your mandate as a Nephilim seriously. They're here to help us and if we can solve the mystery of these killings, that could only reflect positively on us." Leonardo had spoken for the first time since Julian and the others had arrived at the Institute.

"Feeling generous little brother," sneered Jacopo in his direction, while his father looked at him furiously. Leonardo himself was wondering what had possessed him to speak up, but the truth was that he had welcomed the arrival of the other Nephilim at the Institute. For once, he wasn't on the receiving end of relentless and unwanted attention, so he felt emboldened by a couple of days of relative quiet. His father and older brother had always picked on him because according to them he was not as strong-willed and proud as a Shadowhunter ought to be. He was too soft. It was ironic that out of all of his children, Leonardo was the only one that closely resembled his father, although he was taller and more muscular. He shared Giovanni's hazel eyes and light brown hair from when he was young, and yet he could not have felt more detached from him.

Both his older and younger brothers' lineaments bore a lot of similarities to their mother, Angelica. They had dark brown hair, which matched dark brown eyes fringed by long lashes, and full mouths. The only difference was that whether Angelica's gaze had been compassionate and kind, Jacopo's had been tainted by their father's teachings.

Guido, his younger brother, was not ruthless by nature but he had an unhealthy admiration for Jacopo and his father, who had completely brainwashed him and used him as their lackey.

Theirs had never been a happy household, Giovanni had children so he could mold his personal soldiers to train and command around, they were a means to an end, re-establishing a hierarchical order in which Nephilim were on top, and nothing more.

The situation had spiraled out of control after their mother and sister had died in circumstances that were still never explained in detail to him or his brothers. That was one of Giovanni's many secrets that could never be discussed or even mentioned by mistake, breaking this rule led to dire consequences. It was as if his father could not endure the idea of his wife and daughter dying without his permission, so he had tried to forcefully erase them from their memories altogether.

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