Chapter 6: Of Family and a Broken Heart

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Già eran quasi che atterzate l'ore

del tempo che onne stella n'è lucente,

quando m'apparve Amor subitamente,

cui essenza membrar mi dà orrore.

Allegro mi sembrava Amor tenendo

meo core in mano, e ne le braccia avea

madonna involta in un drappo dormendo.

Poi la svegliava, e d'esto core ardendo

lei paventosa umilmente pascea:

appresso gir lo ne vedea piangendo.

Through night's last watch, as winking stars, above,

Kept their high vigil over men, distraught,

Love came to me, with such dark terrors fraught

As mortals may not casually speak of.

Love seemed a being of pure Joy and held

My heart, pulsating. On his other arm

My lady, wrapped in thinnest gossamers, slept.

He, having roused her from her sleep, then made

My heart her feast—devoured, with alarm.

Love then departed; as he left, he wept.

Dante's, A ciascun'alma presa gentil core, vv. 4-12, La Vita Nuova

The following morning, Julian, Emma, Clary, and Jace had gathered inside the Institute library to look for information on both the Cacciaguidi and the Buonaventura families, as Julian had insisted to do so.

"What are we looking for exactly?" asked Clary.

"Honestly, any detail, family history, family tree concerning prominent Nephilim families here in Florence, or Italy." Julian responded.

Jace intervened, "Blackthorn, what's going on inside that head of yours? I can see the cogs spinning."

Julian had started pulling books off one shelf that seemed to contain large tomes dedicated to the Tuscan city.

"I have this feeling that there must be some ancient rivalry, or even worse, between Hestia's family and Giovanni's. Mundane noble families were accustomed to keeping records of their public and private affairs, maybe we're going to find something similar here as well. At least, it looks like something the Cacciaguidi would have done."

Jace asked, "Alright, fair enough. Any section in particular that you would like to explore?"


Hours had passed, the two library tables were covered in books, maps, and various parchments. So far, they had not had any luck in finding what they were looking for, but they had encountered some interesting volumes on historical places in Florence that were tied to legends, or were considered as powerful magical concentration centers, such as the Church of Santa Maria Novella with its medieval cloister and mysterious frescoes, or the Basilica of San Lorenzo, and even the Church of San Miniato right next to the Institute.

Julian had gotten back up and had wandered in a more recluse area of the library. Tucked

away in a corner bookcase, he saw a large tome bound in a dark green color with fading golden letters, Historiae familiarum nephiliorum nobilium Italiae. Blowing some dust off it he exclaimed, "Finally!" and brought it to the table.

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