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That's a wrap for Bay and Hugo. I hope you all enjoyed Hugo's carefree love for life and death as much as I enjoyed writing it. This one's for my furry best friends and first babies. And for all the dog parents who will one day have to live without their best friend.

This is a very different type of story than I ever thought I would write. I didn't think I would end up entering ONC at all, let alone write from the first-person perspective of a dog, but I wanted to challenge myself. I have to admit, I'm not a spiritual person. Whether I believe it or not, I still can't help but find some sort of comfort in the idea that one day I'll get to see my furry best friends after they're gone.

I am a proud dog mom of two middle-aged mutts and had the privilege of loving four other dogs in my life. This story was written for all of them, but modeled after my two now, who I wish could live forever. For anyone wondering, Hugo was modeled after my loving, loyal baby girl (even though I often joke that she could follow her nose into the wilderness and never come back). Stormy is an exact replica of my... dimwitted little guy. Yet somehow, he's too intelligent for his own good. He's a walking, barking contradiction.

If you have time, I listed a few questions below. Any and all feedback is welcome, good or bad. Thank you so much for reading if you made it this far. Every vote, comment, and word read means the world to me 💜

Burning questions

Who was your favorite character?

Who was your least favorite character?

What about the story stuck out to you the most?

Was there anything confusing or that left more questions than answers?

Did the narration ever feel childish or immature to the point that turned you off from the story?

Anything else you can think of?

Other works by me

Title: Anna

Logline: After seven years, the girl in the basement has become a ghost to the rest of the world. But they would remember her soon enough.

 But they would remember her soon enough

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Thanks for being here.

💜 Kate

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