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October 16, 1952

I awoke and my ears were ringing and the world was slightly spinning I tried to look around all I saw was trees. I got out of the car to see where I was or if there was a path for me to drive down and with luck there was a path that I could drive down. So I got back into the Beetle and followed the path and it spit me out onto a back road. I followed the road until I got to the highway and followed the highway to a town. And to my luck not just any town but to Langley, Virginia, where the original Cerebro was built by Hank. I started driving until I found a place to park. I got out of the car and started walking around town to find a newspaper stand or something to tell me what the date was without sounding like a loon.

I kept walking and not long after I found the newspaper stand and bought a newspaper. I started looking for the date and when I found it my mouth drop, the date read that it was October 16, 1952. I had gone to far in the past. I started my walk back to the Beetle. Once I got into the car I started it and looked to the Fluxcompasitor to see that it wouldn't light up I then tried for maybe a half hour pressing all the buttons on it and none of them worked. I slammed my head on the steering wheel in frustration accidently making the horn go off. I then quickly looked up and saw no one and nothing there for the time being so I started driving off to a different spot just incase that brought any attention to the car. I really didn't want or need people coming up to the car to see a 17 year old and think I stole the car, which granted I technically did. But that wasn't even my biggest issue if they asked for a drivers license however would be the biggest considering I wasn't born till 2006 and the date that I got them was 2-13-2023 would really not go over well. Or better yet if they saw my left eye was a light purple.

After I parked again I grabbed my bag took out the lenses and put the left one in, it was a blue one. It still gave me heterochromia but made a more acceptable color for people that weren't mutants. I then opened the bigger glove box that Hank had installed a small printer and laminator just incase the time he went to wouldn't except his licenses or date of birth. I then started to print out a new licenses, birth certificate, social security number, title for the car. I kept my original name Vieanna Freya Rose Munroe and most of my birthdate to September 19 but the year was now 1934 to make me 18 so it wasn't my exact age but it would keep me out of foster homes and some death certificates for my parents so people won't go looking for my them.

Once it was all printed out I then opened the smaller glove box where all the money was kept and grabbed it all and dropped it in my bag. I then got out of the car and walked up to the closest person and asked, "Where is the closest relator?" while I had my smaller map out and they pointed to a certain region and I thanked them and started walking since it wasn't to far away.

December 15 1955

I finally saved up enough to go to England. It was one of my dreams to do when I was in the future and since I don't have the things to get me back to the future mine as well achieve my dreams of traveling. I was going to go there in a few weeks right after Christmas and New Years since that's when the tickets where the cheapest. I was packing boxes and getting my storage unit ready because I wasn't visiting England I was moving there for a little while. I needed to keep the buggy for when I figured out how to fix the Fluxcompasitor.

January 6 1956

I started boarding the plane got to my seat with my carry-on and personal item. After the 8hr flight we landed and I was off to start my new life again. I for the most part looked the same as in 2023 all except for some aging and my hair and my blue contact that stayed in my left eye for the majority of the time. My hair was now instead of a bob a wolf cut which just looked like layers with my wavy hair. I was also now 21 so I didn't look much older but still a bit older then when I had arrived in 1952. I finally got to my new apartment and dropped my bags on the ground and started to look around the place. I saw that it was already furnished and already had a bed that need a sheet but a bed nonetheless. I looked out the window and I could see Oxford University.

November 30 1961

3rd POV

Vieanna sat at a bar by herself she had just got there, when a good looking guy came up to her and said, "Heterochromia." She looked towards him and said, "Usually a man would exchange names and buy me a drink first." He looked at her with slight amusement before putting his fingers to his temple and saying, " Norman, a pint of bitter for me and a jack and coke for the lady." Vieanna looked at him with astonishment and asked, "How did you know that?" He smirked and said, "Lucky guess. My names Xavier. Charles Xavier." Vieanna's eyes slightly widened and then she questioned, "Vieanna Munroe. And I have a serious guess that it wasn't just a lucky guess huh?" His face dropped for a split second before he said, "I'm sorry I'm not sure I know what you mean." Vieanna slightly smirked before saying, "Don't worry I won't tell but I do think we need a different place to discuss this, don't you think?" He looked at her suspiciously before saying, "Yes I suppose we do."

Vieanna's POV

We walked out of the bar and back to his place with his sister Raven. Once we got back to his place and inside he sat down at a chair in the kitchen and asked, "How?" I looked at him and sighed before taking out my blue contact lens saying, "It takes a mutant to know a mutant." He looked at me astonished before saying, "Heterochromia, but lavender and a brighter MCR1 gene fascinating, but how is your eye a serious mutation like mine?" I then focused on his drink that he had gotten and lifted the water out the glass and froze it mid-air. He mumbled a, "Intriguing." I then lit a lavender colored fire in my hands and threw it at the stove and it lit in the same color on the burners. He then asked, "Is there more?" I then proceeded to walk out the back door but not before taking off my shoes. He followed me out there along with Raven. I stopped in the grass and moved my feet around and lifting a rock into the air while only moving my feet, i put the rock back and finally spoke, "I can also see with my feet as long as there physically touching the earth and along with that I can tell peoples emotions and if their lying or not I can also bend metal and I can move and grow plants. With my water bending I can turn my being into such small water molecules I'm practically air and blood bend which just means I can control anything with blood in them since it's mainly water." They both stared and so I asked, "What can you guys due besides know what I want to drink at a bar?" Charles then started talking in my mind, "I my dear Vieanna am telepathic so I can control the brain and talk to others through there own brain." I mumbled a, "Cool." Raven without saying a word changed into me and started talking in my voice, "I can shapeshift into a person and I get there attributes with it." I then stood there silently for a second trying not to fangirl over finally meeting Mystique. I then said, "C-c-cool, cool real nice amazing."

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