Chapter 34

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Thawne was very happy with how his recruitment drive was going. He'd already gotten a great reaction from Iris with McAdams. However, his next recruit, would be someone who didn't so much as put hatred into their opponent, but a different kind of emotional reaction, but one that's just as strong as the hatred Barry Allen felt for him and Iris West felt for Brimstone.

That was why he was currently braving the perils of the frozen tundra that was the north pole, searching for the location of his target. He had to admit, his jailer had picked this place well, since not only was it almost impossible to reach by normal methods, it also concealed his target's cold signature.

Oh how he detested the cold. After all, there was a reason he'd gotten so angry at Cisco for building that blasted cold gun in the first place. The temperature was so low here that it was actually affecting his speed. He wished he could've just opened a breach up into the facility that he knew he was approaching, but that would've alerted Barry and his team and he had no desire to meet them here. At least not yet.

But thankfully, when Thawne looked up ahead, he grinned as he saw that he'd finally reached his destination.

An abandoned Tannhauser black site that he knew was really a cover for the prison within and luckily for him, he could still move fast enough to phase his way inside.

"I know you're here Dr. Snow. Or would you prefer I call you Icicle." Thawne asked as he lowered his cowl.

"Who are you and how did you find this place? I know for a fact that my wife made it almost undetectable." a male voice said and Thawne turned to see Thomas Snow walking up to him.

"Please, drop the act, we both know it's Icicle that's in control, not Thomas." Thawne said.

"You're more clever than I expected." Icicle said as he dropped his facade.

"As for your question, my name is Eobard Thawne and I'm here to offer you your freedom." Thawne said.

"In exchange for what exactly, since no one does anything for free and we both know that." Icicle said.

"I'm building an army to destroy the Flash and I need someone of your expertise. Not just your powers, but your mind as well to help me create more soldiers, since you did manage to create a metahuman gene. And in return, I offer you a way to cure your condition. Make sure Thomas Snow never returns." Thawne said.

"As long as you also agree to help me fine tune my work to create a true SnowPack." Icicle said.

"We have a deal. Now, let's get out of here." Thawne said, right as a breach opened and to their shock, both the Flash and Frost jumped out of it.

"Did you really think we wouldn't have this place bugged after you recruited McAdams? He's the obvious choice for your team." Flash asked his enemy while Frost seemed well, frozen, no pun intended, in shock at seeing her father alive again.

"Dad." Frost said before she could stop herself.

"Khione, is that you?" Icicle asked, looking at his daughter with pride.

"It's Frost now and you're not my father. You're just the monster wearing his face." Frost said.

"Is that anyway to speak to your father?" Icicle asked coldly.

"Like I said, you're not my father. And I'll never help you erase him forever, since even though I don't do science, Caity explained enough to me about what my blood can do for you and I'm not going to allow you to get rid of my father for good. I know Thomas Snow is in there and I'm gonna get him back, even if I have to beat him out of you." Frost said as she and her father both ice blasted each other.

Thawne was about to make some kind witty remark, only to get lightning punched by the Flash.

"And here I thought good guys don't hit people when their backs are turned?" Thawne asked as he put his cowl back on.

"For you, I'll make an exception. Now, let's see what you can do on ice." Flash said, since in this reality, he'd decided to be proactive and have Frost start helping him overcome his cold weakness and become more adept in fighting in environments like the tundra this bunker was in.

"No, let's take this to a more practical battlefield. Good thing I came prepared, since I don't need to worry about drawing your attention anymore." Thawne said he used his powers to pull a Zoom move and opened a breach of his own, which the Flash followed him through as Frost and Icicle traveled through the original breach they'd come in from.

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