Prelude: 6 Months Ago

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"The Demon Slayers. An organization dedicated to destroying all demons that roam Japan, eating men, women, and children alike."

A young boy looked up at his sister in awe.

"Is that story true, nee-san?"

The face of the boy's sister slowly blurred and faded.

"Of course it is, (Y/N). And it's especially true when they eat disobedient kids like you!"

The sister jumped on the boy and tickled him mercilessly, but the scene slowly faded to black in (Y/N)'s mind.


(Y/N)'s POV

(Y/N) shot up from his position against the tree that he was lying on. Stretching, he shrugged his oversized haori off his chest, picked up his air-dried kimono and pants, and dressed soundlessly.

That dream... it was weird, he thought. (Y/N) couldn't remember the events of the dream ever happening, but it all felt so real.

(Y/N) shook his head, attempting to dispel his distracting thoughts. Right now, his only focus was finding the town shown on the torn map that he followed. He had slept under too many tree canopies with rain dripping onto his head in the last few days after he barely escaped that... hell.

(Y/N) didn't know exactly what caused the freezing cold reversal of the fiery hell that he imagined the majority of his family meeting in the afterlife, but he did remember one thing:

Rainbow eyes, and the kanji for "Upper" inscribed on one of them.

For now, though, shelter was his largest concern, as he was yet to find a solid piece of anything to take cover under.

According to his map, (Y/N) could surmise that the town that he was looking for was less than a week's walk from where he was now. Well, (Y/N) hoped that the town was still standing by the time that he got there, because he didn't know if that... monster, had figured out where he was heading to. If it did, there was a good chance that the entire town would face the same fate that his clan did.

For some reason, that monster was incredibly determined to find him and kill him, and (Y/N) really couldn't care why as long as it didn't mean that others would be hurt because of him.

(Y/N)'s thoughts were interrupted by a stunning view. An endless meadow of wildflowers with seemingly every color in the rainbow able to be seen.

Beautiful..., (Y/N) thought to himself. He didn't dare speak, for he learned the disturbing any silence could lead to punishment.

Beyond the meadow of colors, (Y/N) could spot a murky river, and a few, dark brown, houses. Eyes now full of joy, (Y/N) began a long trek to the first sign of civilization that he'd seen in days.


Upon reaching the town, (Y/N) was hit by a wave of nostalgia. Memories that seemed far away were brought into focus as he stared at the poverty-striken town that he stood before.

It reminded him of... home.

That wasn't exactly a good thing.

(Y/N) walked into the town, using his oversized haori to cover his now malnourished frame.

He barely had any food left from his journey, and he wasn't planning on eating it all at once.

Trekking through town wasn't the best experience, and he couldn't help but compare the conditions to what was promised by the key on the map.

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