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Trophy stretched his legs, yawning tiredly, looking down at Tissues and Suitcase, smiling softly at the both of them. A few days had passed since last Monday, it was Friday now, June 21. His tail tapped below his covers, the fur covering his warm legs made him excessively immune to the chilly atmosphere, the others huddled up to him for warmth. It was early in the morning, similar to just last week. He looked up at the ceiling, humming softly as he stared up at the blowing fan, frowning softly and looking back down at the others, slowly brushing them away in a gentle and careful manner as he stood up on the bed, his paw grabbing ahold of the fan's power button, being ginger in his movements as he turned it off, crouching back down after.

Tissues grumbled softly, feeling Trophy lay back down, his hand coincidentally being squished by his golden rear. Tissues flinched and yelped softly at the numbed down pain in his arm, which Trophy almost instantly responded by moving over, saving the poor boy's hand as fast as he could, before sitting right back down and staring down at his boyfriend with a calm yet concerned look in his face. " You okay, Tissues? "

Tissues sniffled softly, nodding in a slow and tired manner, calming Trophy's worried anxiety rather easily as he sighed and patted their head gently, earning a little smile in return, melting Trophy's heart as he giggled and looked down at his phone, glancing to suitcase before doing so. He checked the time, his legs outstretched and his arm being clung to by the boy next to him, the other being leaned against by Suitcase's light figure. It was early in the morning, around 7; about the third time he's had the others wake up at such an early hour with him.

" You guys wanna go outside for a little bit? " Trophy nudged the both of them softly, Tissues grumbling as Suitcase stretched her legs. " After I take my meds... " Tissues rubbed his 'nose' and sat up, looking over at the empty glass cup on the nightstand which he'd forgotten to pick up. Trophy nodded in response, looking to Suitcase who smiled and nodded quickly. He smiled back at her, picking her and Tissues up, placing them gently inside of his cup, packed tightly next to each other as he stood up, walking over to the door, turning the knob and walking out.

Trophy walked over to the hotel kitchen, opening the refrigerator and carefully grabbing the tea out from it, setting it on the counter as well as a freshly washed mug, holding the pitcher steadily as tea poured into the cup, slowly filling it until 2/3rds of it was full with sweet tea. He then set Tissues down on the floor, handing them their pills as well as the tea, bending down to help him keep it from spilling onto the floor like it had last time. Once Tissues was finished taking the pills, he gently took the cup out of his shaky hands, dumping the excess tea into the sink, the cup following.

" You guys have your stuff on? " He turned over to look at Tissues, Suitcase dropping down to her feet with him, her legs comfortably sealed with her warmers, Tissues' just the same, his scarf wrapped tightly around his object, where his 'neck' would've been originally. Tissues nodded, Suitcase walking over to the door to see how thick the snow was now. It was higher than it had been last time, which made her shiver silently, before she looked to Trophy, nodding as well with a warm smile. Trophy returned the favor, walking over to the two, his tail wagging as he opened the door, walking out behind them.

Trophy watched as Suitcase waddled over to the nearby lake, humming a soft tune to herself, Tissues following shortly behind her. The two were very eager to check out the area, especially considering how much snow there was lately; it felt beautiful to the three, collectively feeling curiosity as to just how much had changed around them since it started snowing for the month. Trophy picked up his pace, running over to the two shorter objects to catch up with them, smiling and chuckling as they ran faster, only causing him to speed up even more.

Trophy slowed down once they finally found themselves at the desired lake, Suitcase smiling widely as she almost immediately ran over to the edge of it, plopping down onto the soft snow, feeling it crunch underneath her weight, to which she shivered softly because of, though her smile still didn't budge. She took her time to admire the schools of fish swimming around the lake, as well as a bunch of other sea animals packed up inside of the lake. Trophy and Tissues talked to each other about random things, and drama inside of the hotel, as Trophy made a futile attempt to build a castle out of the snow on the ground.

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