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Trophy found himself sleeping until around 2 in the afternoon, having been wrapped in a comfortable blanket by his beloveds. His tail flicked softly as he grumbled to himself, rolling around so that his face was facing the sofa cushion just behind him. Trophy continued to do this for a few minutes, before finally waking up, finding himself not as refreshed as he'd hoped to be when he woke up. Annoyed by the empty pit in his stomach, as well as his horrible cotton mouth, Trophy sat up on the sofa, his tail flicking once again. He grumbled and got onto his feet, walking over to the kitchen as he tried to find something worthy of satisfying his hunger.

His body felt weird. Not in the sort of way that he was sick, or nauseous, or anything related to that. Well, maybe a little bit, but not enough. His limbs felt oddly numb, pins and needles shivering around his body like static because of the feeling, annoying him greatly as he tried to walk it off. He tried to ignore it for now. Really, he just didn't need to be anymore frustrated today; he'd already woken up feeling cranky and tired, he wasn't about to deal with minor issues that weren't worth his attention.

Searching throughout the kitchen pantry, ignoring most if not all of the people in the room with him, Trophy found himself stuck with a single peanut butter jelly. Not that he was complaining; it was a decent breakfast, and it was better than not eating at all. Quickly, he got the ingredients out and spread the products onto the slices of bread, slamming them together afterwards and walking out of the kitchen with his sandwich, not bothering to put the things back into where they belonged before doing so. 

Walking out into the backyard, he sat down on the snow with his back against a tree, watching Tissues and Suitcase as they chased each other in a childish game of tag. He took a bite into his sandwich, savoring the nostalgic taste, his body leaning even further against the tree behind his back as he crossed his legs, grabbing his phone and scrolling through his socials, being quick to finish the little sandwich he'd made for himself. Watching relatively funny stuff and playing some games, Trophy got comfortable in his spot, a smile growing on his face as he laughed at some stupid vines he'd found.

Tissues glanced over at Trophy, smiling tiredly and walking over to him, Suitcase having left to go talk with her friends. They sat down next to him on the cold snow, a soft crunch emitting from the ground as he did so, amusing him as well as catching Trophy's attention. " Hey Tiss'. " Trophy brought Tissues closer, patting him on the head and giving him a loving peck on the cheek, sitting back up straight and using Tissues' head as an armrest for his fluffy left arm. Tissues groaned softly with annoyance at this, swatting at his arm in a playful manner, not getting much but a snicker in return, as Trophy just pat his head contentedly.

 " Mr. Horseplay, do you think I gave you my condishawn? " Tissues looked up at Trophy, seeing his tired expression, watching as he perked up to look down at them as they spoke. Trophy stared down at him for a moment, humming softly for a moment, before stopping, a small grunt leaving his throat before he spoke. " 'Course not. You don't get seizures! " His tone was casual as well as a bit playful, still holding that voice just in case Tissues was still messing around with him. Not that he would mind if he wasn't.

" Right... but the other stuff was kinda like my condishawn; like how you said you feel all weak and fuzzy. " Tissues' voice was soft, he leaned against Trophy's side as he spoke, bringing his scarf closer to his face as he sneezed into his arm, wiping the snot off with a soft sound of disgust immediately after. " I mean, what if you just got it worse than I did? That's— possible, right? " His tone slowly grew more uneasy the longer he spoke, as if he were questioning his own sickness simply from what Trophy had picked up last night.

" Tissues, don't worry about it. I'm sure you didn't give me your weird condition, you're always around me and I never got sick from you like that. " Trophy chuckled softly as he spoke, his paw snaking its way back to gently caress Tissues' head, his delicate cloth protruding from his head being bent easily under the weight, making Tissues feel a little sore up there in response to it. His hands started to fiddle with his scarf, picking at the loose strings of wool and pulling them out of the soft material, not caring much about what would happen if he plucked too many from the scarf.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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