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Test Tube tapped her desk, a hand holding up her "head" as she stared at the thin glass capsule which the light snow resided inside of. She didn't exactly know what to do now, considering all she'd really planned was to seal a bunch of snow in a freeze-dried capsule to see if it would just somehow magically stay intact. 

Of course, knowing the conditions that had to be met in order for ice to stay frozen, Test Tube knew well that the snow would stay intact so long as the capsule stayed the temperature it was. A little bit of a pointless experiment really, she had better things to be working on than a little bit of snow. Test Tube took this into consideration, setting the capsule into it's holder, taking her torch lighter and flicking it on underneath the capsule, watching intently as the capsule slowly began to heat up, the dry ice gathered around the outside of the tube withering away into a thick gas, continuing this until nothing was left of the solidified carbon dioxide. 

Test Tube went on to work on something else, something more worthy of her time that she had not yet exposed her knowledge with in the scientific field. Her microscope whirred gently as she moved it around, being slow and careful. She studied the small sample using the capsule, staring down at the micro-sized specimen which laid deceased in the small box, it's guts and blood spilt around the box, causing Test Tube to visible cringe at the hideous sight. She wasn't searching for anything in particular, she was just wasting her time on stupid materials that she could figure out with a singular google search. She took this into consideration, sighing softly and taking the square capsule out from underneath the microscope, throwing the sample into the trash and washing the capsule afterwards.

So many experiments she was performing were absolutely useless to her knowledge. She already knew so much, all she was doing now was performing cyber copies of stuff she's already done. Even if it was remotely different from what she did in a straightforward sense, she already knew all of the steps behind it, making learning quite the hard task for her. Curiosity was her leading personality trait. She had always had the burning desire to know more. But at the same time, she was scared to take this into her own hands to learn something entirely different from what she had taught herself. Or maybe she wasn't, she didn't exactly know herself.

In attempt to control this factor, Test Tube looked up at her laptop, humming softly to herself as she did so. If she wanted to know more, she would do research. Opening the laptop a little quickly, her mind wandering as she thought about what exactly she would put her mind on figuring out this time around. Psychology was a little boring for her, she wanted to know about life on Earth and how it functions, not how a singular organ does. 

Biology was an obvious choice, but being entirely honest, she already knew the basics of Biology, and experimenting on living organisms to find answers for herself wasn't exactly ethical to her. She continued to search about different scientific fields, trying to find something that caught her attention. Nothing about psychological matters, and nothing she already knew about, so what exactly could she study? Parasitology? Maybe, it wasn't really much she had knowledge of thus far, so a little glide through a website could do her some good, maybe get her in a good habit even.

She scrolled through the page of displayed websites talking about parasitology and how certain parasites were named, classifications, etcetera. She brought a hand to the side of her face, where her glass textured "cheek" was on her capsule body, reading each and every paragraph at least a few times, she wanted to remember all of these things vividly, so much that she could recall everything like she did with a lot of other bits and pieces of knowledge she had. It was a very interesting scientific field, having to learn about parasites from scratch and how they functioned, it definitely caught a lot of her attention.

Parasites are creatures who exploit the life of another living organism for it's own gain and/or survival. It eats from the flesh of said creature, reproduces inside of said creature and/or on it, and overall destroys the creature, either making it a mindless zombie to it's own power and control, keeping it alive to live longer, or making sure it dies, eating it's remains and latching onto a new organism to continue the cycle of it's disgusting, scary and small life. Surprisingly enough, unlike insects parasites can live years inside of a host depending on how long said host lives. If the host is something small like an insect or fish, it might have a short lifespan. If the host is bigger, like a dog, elephant, or even a human, it could live up to 17 years inside of them. It's disgusting, but true, and very interesting to learn about.

Test Tube would continue to study about these little creatures until OJ walked fell into her lab. She flinched softly, looking up at OJ, who looked almost as tired as her. She spun her pen around a few times with her hand before bringing it and her arm down and onto the table, tilting her object slightly as she stared at him with a look of confusion, annoyance, and exhaustion.

 She spun her pen around a few times with her hand before bringing it and her arm down and onto the table, tilting her object slightly as she stared at him with a look of confusion, annoyance, and exhaustion

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" Test Tube, you haven't reported back to the hotel at dark for 3 days in a row. " OJ stumbled over, clenching his hands together and staring at his cousin warily. " Please come and go to sleep. " He watched as Test Tube narrowed her eyes, her annoyance towards him growing significantly. 

" I'm working, OJ! " Her voice was it's usual nerdy, high-pitched tone, only tired and dazed of sorts. " Not to be rude of course. But can't you wait another day? " Her tail tapped the ground impatiently, her eyes blinking slowly. OJ frowned at this, sighing. 

" Please just come and go to sleep for the night. You won't be able to work properly if your body isn't getting the proper rest it needs. " He rubbed his hand slowly against the wall beside him, moving said hand over to the door, turning the knob back and forth to cope with the tension between the both of them, his straw moving along with his clear-tinted object.

" Mm... " Test Tube stared blankly at the exhausted object for a long 2 seconds before sighing loudly, standing up and looking to the emergency exit. " I suppose I'll go and get some sleep. But just for tonight! I need to get back to work as fast as I possibly can. " She walked over to the exit, pushing the door open slightly and immediately turning off the alarms as soon as they started to blare violently across the laboratory, looking to OJ, who had flinched violently in response to the sudden panicking noises around him, narrowing her tired eyes and looking away, leaving the lab shortly afterwards.

OJ calmed down a good minute later, looking to Test Tube as her tail dragged out of the room with her, sighing softly and following behind her steps.

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