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"How did this happen?"

Ikari carefully kneeled on the ground. Exhaustion from the game was hitting him hard. He pressed his hands against Karube's injury, attempting to slow down the bleeding.

"The tagger had a machete. Cut me up when we tried to take him down."

Karube groaned, as he stood up with the help of Ikari,

"Let's get you fixed up."

Arisu, Karube, and Ikari walked together, their arms around each other's shoulders as they walked back to the hotel Karube and Arisu were living in.

Once inside the general building of the apartments they were staying in a, someone with a crutch ran up to them as best as possible.

"Arisu, Karube!"

"I can't believe it. I was so worried you guys weren't coming back."

"Chota!" Arisu exclaimed, just as excited.

They unhooked from each other's shoulders as the three hugged each other. Ikari stood back a little, noticing another figure along the distance, keeping away from the group. She viewed from the mirror she stood in front of.

Someone must've squeezed too hard as Karube grunted in pain. Ikari turned to face him.

"We need to clean your injury up."

"I'm okay."

Ikari shrugged. He felt out of place. He felt like a kid again, where everyone around him was friends and he was alone. Ikari grew to enjoy his solitude. Turning to walk away, he was swiftly stopped by Karube who held onto his arm.

"Where do you think you're going? You're injured too."

"I can manage myself just fine. I think it's best if I go."

Ikari side-eyed the woman staring at him from afar, almost threatening in posture. Albeit, Ikari looked down at Karube's injury, sighing as he nodded his head.

"I'll stay but only to help you and then I'm leaving."

Karube smiled, his smile falling once more than he was in pain.

The four made it to the room. Ikari walked behind the four, the woman occasionally turning her head to look at Ikari. He stared back at her whenever they met each other's eyes, almost. If they could fight each other, they would. They were both careful with the other, unsure of how trustworthy each could be.

Inside the room, Ikari rushed into the bathroom, where he suspected a typical hotel would store a medical kit. Once he held it in hand, he walked out to see Karube on the couch.

"Up, lift your shirt up."

Ikari gestured with his hand as he opened up the kit, taking out all he needed. He wasn't a doctor by any means, but he studied enough to know what to do in situations like this. His parents were always adamant he should become a doctor.

"This is going to hurt."

Ikari warned before he dabbed the cut on his side with cleaning alcohol, he apologized for his pain unknowingly. Grabbing the roll of gauze, he used the majority of it to wrap around Karube's stomach, making sure it had enough stability to hold itself up.


Ikari stood up, walking to the bathroom to take a look at his own wounds, some bullets he got hit with did not come out of the other end making it painful for Ikari to even move but putting on a face was easier than being a burden.

He shut the door, grabbing a rather thick towel and biting down on it using a pair of tweezers he found he dug into his skin in his arm. He shut his eyes in pain as he dug for the stray bullet, feeling for the small object.

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