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He shivered, as the cool air had hit his wet skin. His clothes, now damp and cold, sat against him uncomfortably. Sighing, he stood up after a long rest—his body hurt from the exertion.

Ikari so badly wanted to get rid of his clothes, as the heavy feeling made him uncomfortable. Despite the feeling, he kept them on.

From night to morning, Ikari walked, taking occasional breaks, grabbing any snacks or food he could muster up to find. Being a picky eater at a time like this would do him no good.

All his mind could reel back to were two of the players who had bracelets. The beach was still the paradise he had hoped to find—Where? He did not know. The people he encountered were no help.

By the time the sun had risen, Ikari spotted the rather large mall. He eyed the building, his clothes now dry and even more uncomfortable than before—heavier and awful to move around in. His shoes occasionally making a soft wet squish when he walked.

Ikari was surprised he found himself in such a situation, enjoying the freedom but at a cost of risking his life, yet he missed the comfort of his home. He missed the smell of his home and the comfort it provided—Despite how many bottles he drank or how intoxicated he was, Ikari enjoyed teaching.

The doors of the mall couldn't be more welcoming at a time like this. They still worked, which didn't really surprise Ikari at first, but technology is bound to fail, eventually.

Multiple stores, ranging from small to big, covered the first floor. He took a quick glance between the stores, spotting a few pieces of clothing—Ikari knew his pickiness wasn't well suiting for the situation he was in.

Ikari wanted nothing more than to change, but he at least wanted to look well-put together. As he moved up the stairs, he could spot what seemed to be shoe prints, as if someone had previously run by here; dirt.

The second floor seemed to have more adult-like clothing stores with higher end clothes and jewelry shops. Ikari walked into what seemed to be a store filled with formal clothing for men.

Grabbing a pair of dark slacks, a plain and simple white button-up shirt and a new pair of shoes—and a fresh pair of undergarments which Ikari was relieved to find.

After a quick change, he walked out of the store. Deciding to check out the third floor for anything he might find, he once again found the shoe prints he found earlier. They were more consistent.

Two pairs of shoes scattered across the messy white floor. Curiously, he followed them, nearly slipping as he stepped over a discarded phone that seemed to have been dropped after exiting a game.

The prints stopped after a short while. Ikari stood in front of a dark green door, a dry bloody handprint marked the door. Ikari grimaced, his teeth clenched as he walked closer, resting his hand against the handprint.

He shuddered as if he could feel what had happened. Someone managed a game clear, at a cost. Ikari was tempted to open the door, to witness the end results. He held the handle, almost pulling it open—deciding to let go last minute.

He did not need to witness the end, nor did he want to see more death than he already did. He was sure the botanical gardens were as beautiful as they were—even if there were new additions.

He wiped his hand free from any specs of dried blood he got on his hand. Blood was now on his hand. Leaving the floor as quick as he could, he found himself back outside once more.

He wracked his brain for any ideas, fiddling with the pearl necklace which has still stuck with him despite his recent activities.

If the beach was a paradise, where would it be located? Perhaps somewhere remote. Ikari's eyes went wide. The secrecy of its location via the players made him think of the possibilities that they weren't looking for an actual beach.

Apartments, large buildings, or anything that seemed protected, were on his watch as he ran through the streets. He was close—Ikari knew he was close.

He stopped in front of a hotel, out of breath as he looked up slowly, rising from his bent over state. The red messy spray painted lettering which bled over the previously engraved stoned lettering.

"The Beach"

Ikari smiled, laughed even. An array of cars were parked near the hotel. As quick as his smile appeared on his face, the faster it fell.

He quickly felt unsettled by the building. Something wasn't right. Ikari saw movement from inside the hotel as two big figures walked out.

"Players?" Ikari questioned himself.

Just as Ikari was about to turn away, thinking he had found himself in another death game. It was too soon, and he did not want to face another game, not in the state he was in.

Before he could turn around to run, he was stopped by the two men who had come out—their hands held a strong grip on Ikari's shoulders, keeping him put.

A lanky man with rough shoulder length hair and a pair of sunglasses chuckled. The two men keeping Ikari in place seemed to be bodyguards.

"Welcome to Utopia!" He laughed, almost maniacal. Small tuts of disapproval were heard from the man. Ikari noticed how the man's eyes traveled up and down his body.

"There are rules."

Ikari's mind went blank. Rules? A paradise with rules sounded like no paradise at all. It seemed safe enough. Ikari listened anyway.

"Rule one, you must always wear a bathing suit. Two, you are free to live your life exactly as you wish." He took a small pause before continuing, his voice sounding more serious.

"Death to all traitors."

Ikari shuddered,

"Death to all traitors?"

The man before him stared at Ikari as if he had asked an impossible to answer question. His stare made him uneasy.

"No one may leave the beach once admitted. If you do, you are considered a traitor."

Ikari clenched his teeth, accepting to join was for life, no backing out. He wondered if he should join. His freedom was being ripped away if he stayed.

The bodyguards letting go of his shoulders they walked in front of the man who walked behind them. If Ikari followed, he would be admitted into the beach.


He looked at Hatter as he walked away. Deciding to follow, this was his only safe haven. Somewhere he could return to if he won. Somewhere he could hopefully rest.

Despite his decision to join, he hesitated. What of the others? Karube, Arisu, and Chota, did they make it out? Are they even alive? Thoughts quickly clouded his mind. He almost turned around—It had been too late, and he entered the main lobby.

"Enjoy your time here. You'll be tested soon." A smile could be seen on the Hatter as he walked away, disappearing from sight.

He stood at the center of the lobby, lost. He turned at every turn. He found a member of the beach wearing their bathing suits, some in jackets, which were left opened. And others in nothing but their bathing suits.

The rules seemed strict, and he needed to find a bathing suit before he found out of the consequences.

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