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The rules set in place by the Hatter in the Beach had Ikari for a spin. He disliked the need the constantly wear a bathing suit, not only was the selection of clothing small, nothing was to his taste.

Ikari settled for a pair of swim trunks, which had a floral pattern along with its matching button up short-sleeved shirt he left open.

Despite his attire, Ikari quickly learnt of the conditions of the Beach. Parties roared from day to night—and sometimes would go on throughout the night. There were also two leading factions present on the Beach.

Ikari remained neutral, both sides wrong in their own ways. One faction made the rules and had control over who plays in games, often referred to as the Idealist.

The militants had control over all firearms on the Beach and dispose traitors. One member from the militants often came around, causing issues for other residents.

Ikari fell prey to his tricks, Suguru Niragi—would often come by and push around Ikari, knowing of his recent agreement of becoming a resident of the Beach.

He'd often point his gun at Ikari—noticing how he'd always be armed despite the rest of the crew not having any visible weapons.

Few days went by and Ikari finally had a moment of rest. It's almost as if he was experiencing major karma for his actions. The abandonment and betrayal he committed by leaving behind Karube, Arisu, and Chota.

He rested his eyes for a mere moment before a loud horn played throughout the resort's intercom. Games had been sparse lately, only a few would appear at a time and never in an abundance.

Usually, Hatter would already have a small group of people selected for the games—Ikari grew weary with each passing day as his time lessened every day.

The horn was testing his luck. He was nervous, scared—only having two days remaining on his visa. It was like a wake-up call. As loud as the horn was, people all around him dropped what they were doing.

The party put on pause as everyone yelled over each other. Everyone had been attempting to run their way towards the main lobby of the resort. Ikari followed in suit, almost getting trampled on the way.

"A new game arena has been found in Shinigawa!"

"Adachi and Koto wards!"

Voices could be heard, Ikari grinned. A new game arena only meant more games, an abundance—something that has been lacking for a while.

Before anything could happen, the previous yells and screams turned into a chant,

"Hatter! Hatter! Hatter!"

From above, Hatter had appeared, looking down at everyone as if we were his servants and he a god. A group of people behind him leaned against the wall, staring down along with the Hatter.

The crowd quickly quieted down—the Hatter had more power over the resort than anyone else.

"Comrades! Tonight brings us a new challenge."

Ikari looked up at the Hatter, watching as their eyes met. Ikari was cautious, concerned.

"Individually, each of you has the courage within to play."

Maybe Ikari's luck would finally begin, an opportunity to participate in a series of games. The ability to continue living.

"Together, we will get the cards we need to return to our old world."

Ikari clenched his teeth. The words "Return to our old world" settled in his mind. The idea of everyone here being part of a different world, an alternate version of their original world, made sense.

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