You Are My Fictitious Lover Form

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In the realm of imagination, where dreams take flight,
I'll weave a tale of love, both tender and bright.
A fictional character, captivating and rare,
Becomes the object of affection, beyond compare.

In the pages of a book or on the silver screen,
A character emerges, captivating and serene.
Their qualities and virtues, a beacon of light,
Draw you closer, igniting emotions, day and night.

With every word spoken and every gesture made,
Your heart begins to flutter, a love cascade.
Their fictional world becomes your cherished retreat,
A place where love blossoms, oh so sweet.

Their charm and charisma, a spell you can't resist,
In your mind, their presence, forever persists.
Their flaws and complexities, only make them more real,
As you fall deeper in love, unable to conceal.

But remember, dear friend, this love is a fantasy,
A figment of imagination, not reality.
Though it brings joy and passion, it's important to see,
That true love lies in the realm of humanity.

So cherish the emotions, the journey you've taken,
But keep your heart open, for love not forsaken.
For in the real world, where souls intertwine,
You'll find a love that's genuine, truly divine.

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