Tear Stained Cheeks -1-

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Luke's POV

I groan and roll over, conveniently rolling off the bed. I grunt and don't even bother moving, I was still pretty jet lagged even though we moved here two weeks ago.

"Luke?! Was that you?" My mother calls, most likely from the kitchen. I could smell the food from up here. I just groan again in response, knowing she couldn't hear me. I haul my six foot four body off the wooden floor and stretch, my limbs popping and cracking. I was a bit sore and knew I slept in a weird position last night. I scratch the back of my neck, walking over to the window. I looked outside, taking in my new home. My room was right next to someone elses, but I never knew who. I had never seen the person leave the house, nor was the window and blinds ever open. I was very intrigued, and I wanted to know why I always heard a lot of yelling coming from that house. I could never make out the words though.

I shake my head and tear my gaze away, heading down stairs three steps at a time.

"Morning mum, what's cookin?" I ask her as I sit down at the table,watching her cook.

"Morning sweetie. Uh, just eggs and bacon." She replies, setting a plate down in front of me. I quickly thank her before scarfing down the food. I don't know where my hunger came from, but I quickly got rid of it. I stand up, putting the plate and fork in the dishwasher, turning to head upstairs when my mom's voice cut me off.

"Luke?" She says. I hum in response, turning to face her.

"Why don't you go next door and introduce yourself to the neighbors. I hear there's a very pretty girl that lives there, she's around your age." My mother tells me. I shrug slightly, not really wanting too, but I had nothing better to do, so why not.

As I head upstairs I began to wonder how my mum knew those things, and why she had this look on her face, like she was sad when she informed me of this girl. Did she know more than she let on? I sigh and shake my head to clear it, running a hand through my hair. I didn't really feel like getting dressed up, so i threw on a flannel, black skinny jeans with holes in the knees, black converse, and went on my way. 

I approach the house and pause, hearing yelling from inside once more. Being the nosy kid I am, I pressed my ear to the door. My eyes widen at what I heard.

"Your a fucking bitch. Go clean that mess up. The lads will be over soon, wear something nice, you know they like it when you dress nice." Someone, a male most likely, yells to someone. I didn't hear anything, but shuffling around. 

Before I could stop myself my fist connected with the wood on the door, in swift knocking motions. Suddenly, everything in the house went silent. After a moment, yelling was heard again.

"Well what are you waiting for, bitch? Go answer the goddamn door!"

And then more shuffling. I step back as the door opens up, revealing a girl. She was so small and petite, she couldn't have been taller than five'five. She had long brown hair. She looked up at me, confusion clouding her tear stained cheeks. I didn't know her, but I instantly wanted to help her.

"C-Can I help you?" She asks, her voice soft and fragile sounding. It made my heart break a little. I bring my hand up to scratch the back of my neck awkwardly, and the minute my hand leaves my side she flinches back. My eyes widen slightly. Did she....did she think I was going to hit her or something?

I blink a few times and give her a smile. "Uh-Well-yeah I guess..." I trail off awkwardly, not being a person who's got good social skills. 

"Uhm, I'm Luke. I moved in next door and I just wanted to come introduce myself..." I trail off. I glance behind her to see broken glass and liquor bottles on the floor through the crack in the door. She quickly notices and shuts the door. 

"You shouldn't be here. Don't come here again, please. It's for your own good." She tells me, shaking her head not meeting my gaze. I was a little surprised, and I started to shake my head. I was about to say something, maybe to at least get the girls name, but she was already halfway inside.

"It was nice meeting you." She says, giving me a glance, and a very, very small smile, almost like she didn't want me to notice. But I did notice. 

"O-Okay..?" I say, watching her close the door. I stand there a minute longer, staring at the spot where the girl with the tear stained cheeks was standing. I did not know her, not at all, but I wanted to help her.

With a determined look on my face, I headed home, and straight to my room, planning on how I was going to get her out of whatever was happening to her tonight. I knew by the way the male in the house said his friends liked it when she dressed nice it wasn't going to end well. The girl looked to be only seventeen! And she looked so sad. I tried not to show I was looking when she was telling me not to come back, and she didn't notice me looking, so that was good. She has bruises and scratches, up bother her arms, and on her collar bone. 

Her face, was so beautiful, and it was untouched. No bruise or scratch to be seen, only tear stained cheeks. 

And that's when it hit me. I didn't even know her name. All I knew her by was the beautiful girl with the tear stained cheeks. 


here is the first official chapter <3 hope you all enjoyed it!

stay strong beautiful,

xx Madison

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