Happiness -3-

9 3 1

Athena's POV

I bite my lip and open the door to the car door and stepping out into the crisp air. I look around, noticing we were at the edge of town, on the cliff. I come here often, actually, to clear my head, to getaway. 

I smile immediately appears on my face as I see the place he took me too.

"How did you know about this place?" I ask Luke, turning to look at him. He was standing next to me, staring off over the edge to the neighboring city below. I seemed to have snapped him out of some thought by the way he jumped slightly at my words. He turned to look at me and shrugged, his gaze going back out over the city.

"I stumbled across it when I was exploring town. Why?" He asks, turning his gaze on me again. I shrug like he did to me, starting to walk, him following close behind.

"I don't really remember. I've been coming here to clear my head for as long as I can remember. It really is a nice place to get away from-" I cut myself off, realizing what I almost did. I stopped breathing for a second, not knowing why I almost told this complete stranger that I was abused. He was very easy to talk to, and that scared me really bad.

I clear my throat and continue like nothing happened. I didn't dare look back behind me because I knew what gaze he was giving me, a curious one and I know if I looked back he would start asking questions. 

I reach the edge of the cliff, and climbed up the rock pile near it, getting the perfect view. Luke climbed up next to me, sitting beside me. 

"I brought you out here to get to know you." He states suddenly, turning to look at me. I gathered the courage to look at him too. While I was with him I needed to act like a normal person. 

"What is it you want to know? I'm not a very interesting person..." I trail off, raising my shoulders slightly before letting them fall back to their previous position. He paid no mind to my comment and started to ask me question. They weren't personal. They were just random things.

"Coffee or tea?"


"Do you like All Time Low?"


"What about MayDay Parade?"


"What's your favorite song."

"Cinderblock Garden, All Time Low."

"Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked, looking at me.

I couldn't help but start laughing. He looked at me weird, raising an eyebrow. He was serious? I abruptly start laughing and look at him, dumbfounded.

"Wait, your serious?" I ask him, brushing hair behind my ear.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" He replies, turning his body to face me fully, though I don't move. I stay facing the city.

"Oh. No, I don't. Never have, probably never will." I tell him, tearing my gaze from Luke and facing the city again, my eyes scanning over the buildings and lights that poured out from the thriving place. My lips twitched up in a smile. Luke didn't say anything else for a while, I honestly forgot he was there. But I was thinking about him.

Why was it so easy for me to talk to him? Was it because he didn't know me at all, he was new and didn't judge me? Or was it because he actually seemed to care? I wanted to scoff at the last one. No one else cared, so why on earth would he? It didn't make sense to me.  I was brought back into reality but Luke's Australian accent.

"We should probably go back, we've been here for hours." I snap my gaze to him, my eyes widening, then narrowing. I don't know why I was scared, I already knew the consequences for leaving, I shouldn't be surprised. I was use to it anyways.

He stands up and I do too, slowly. I gaze out across the city before following Luke back to his car. Despite everything that's happened to me, and me always telling myself I was never going to be okay again...tonight that changed. Tonight, I experienced a feeling I hadn't felt in a very long time. Sitting on that rock, looking over the city, and talking to Luke made me feel something other than depression, sadness, or pain. It made me feel...happy...


sorry this was short, it's just a bit of a filler i suppose :)

i hope you enjoyed it nonetheless and please comment your thoughts! i would love constructive criticism and peoples opinions. thank you so much!

stay strong beautiful

xx Madison

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2015 ⏰

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