Screwed -2-

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Athena's POV

After I closed the door I kinda just stood there for a minute, trying to process what just happened. I didn't even know someone even moved out of that house. Let alone knew a really, really cute guy moved in!

I shake my head, heading back inside Hell. I couldn't do anything with that boy, despite me needing friends. I had come into realization the past few hours that I could't have friends. I would just be putting them in danger. My father is a horrible man that doesn't want me to have anything. So if he knew I had friends, it would be really bad because then he'd want to hurt them.

Most would say, why don't you turn him in? Well, it's just not that simple. I have tried, but every time I had gotten caught, and beat. And eventually my dad got rid of all the phones in the house except his own. And he has threatened me, that if he got put in jail, his friends would come after me, and hurt me, like he does, and once he got out of jail he would kill me. I was honestly just too scared to test and see if his threats were real, or just bluff.

I bend down and continue cleaning, like what I was doing before Luke had knocked on the door. As I was cleaning I noticed the bruises on my arms and mentally made a note to cover those up with makeup. 

I quickly finish cleaning and stand up, looking around for my father. He probably left to go pick up his friends. My stomach churned, as I know exactly what happens when his friends get here. And I hate it, I hate it so so so much.


Luke's POV

I slip on a jacket, knowing it gets chilly at night here. I grab my car keys and pull out of the garage, stopping in front of the girl with the tear stained cheeks house. I ignore the warnings and stuff she said to me before and get out of the car, walking up the sidewalk to her house. I knock on the door and wait for someone to answer. I was planning on taking her somewhere tonight, away from whatever was going on in her home. All that was easy, the hardest part was going to be convincing her to come with me, when she doesn't even know me.


Athena's POV

I was walking downstairs, having just covered up all the bruises and cut marks with makeup when I heard yet another knock on the door. I raise an eyebrow and walk over to the door. I know it wouldn't be my father or his friends, they just would let themselves in.

With a deep breath I open to door, and lift my gaze upwards to meet the gaze of none other than the boy I specifically told to not come back. I quickly look down, not liking to make eye contact with people.

"Hey." He says.

"I told you not to come back. What do you want?" I ask, it coming out a little bit more harsher than I intended. I didn't move, just watched the ground, waiting for him to leave. But he didn't move.

"I would like you to come with me somewhere. I want to get to know you." He says smoothly, seemingly having no intentions of taking no for an answer.

My gaze snaps up and I narrow my eyes. Did I want to go with him? No....maybe....yes. But I couldn't! If I left now when I got back I would be screwed. Completely and utterly fucked. I was barely allowed to leave the house as it was, but leaving at night, with a guy, to god knows where, and when his friends were here and their intentions were naughty...screwed. I would be screwed. I start to shake my head at him.

"You seem like a great guy and all...but I just can't." I tell him, stopping my shaking to glance at him, before looking back down again.

"Why not?" 

He sure was stubborn.

"Because..." I trail off, shifting my weight, wanting nothing more than to just go crawl into a hold and hide.

"Because why? Please, just give it a chance. You did say I was a great guy after all." He says, and I by his tone I could just tell he held a cocky grin on his face.

"I said seemed like a great guy." I correct him, but I continue to shake my head after my words.

"Look, you don't seem to understand. I can't."



"Come on, please. I'm new here and I would like a friend. And I want you to be my friend." He tells me, pouting.

I slowly bring my gaze up to meet his, and I sigh, giving in. I know I would get in so so, so much trouble later, but I hadn't been out with anyone since forever, and here was this boy, wanting  me to go with him...I just couldn't say no anymore.

I step out of my house fully and close the door behind me.

"Fine." I say, his pout turning into a grin.

He holds his hand out to me and I finch back, my heart skipping a beat. Why was I so afraid everyone was going to hit me all the time? I've been ruined, honestly.

"I won't hurt you, come on." He says softly, still holding his hand out to me. I take a deep breath, gently placing my hand in his, this action causing him to smile. He brought me over to his car and opened the door for me. 

I looked over my shoulder at my house before climbing in, wondering what the hell I was getting myself into. Luke closes the door and comes round the front, getting in the drivers seat. He starts up the car and pulls out onto the street and we go on our way. The first part of the car ride was silent, neither of us speaking. I just kept thinking about how much pain I was going to be in when I got home. I have no idea what was on the boys mind.

"What's your name?" 

I turn my head from leaning against the window to look at him. I really didn't think he would care, but then again if he didn't why was he taking me somewhere? Probably to rape me or something, nothing new there. I decide I should tell him, won't do anybody any harm.


"That's a lovely name."


Silence once more.

"We're here."

"Where's 'here'?"

"Follow me and find out."

Oh shit, what did I get myself into?


end of chapter two! i hope you liked and it and maybe I left a bit of a cliffhanger...i dunno.

stay strong beautiful

xx Madison

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