Alcohol and Cigarettes -prologue-

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Athena's POV

I gingerly push the door to my house open, peeking my head full of brunette waves inside. I take a weary look around, and let out a soft sigh as the coast seemed clear.

The house, old and wore out, stunk of alcohol and cigarettes.  It was dusty and seemed un-taken care of. But that's because it was. No one bothered around here, not since my mother left. When she left, everything seemed to fall apart.

My life was never perfect, and everyday it creeps farther and farther from becoming so. It makes so upset that there is nothing I can do about it. I just...roll with the punches I guess.

I tiptoe through the house, cautious and alert, wincing every time the floor creaked beneath my weight. Nothing was scarier than my father when he was hungover. I know he had been drinking, as the houses usual smell was no longer stale, it was fresh. I crinkle my nose in disgust at the smell and make my way up the stairs, them occasionally creaking. Every time they did so, I winced. 

A breath of relief escaped my chapped lips as I push my door open. It silently glides across the wooden floor, not making a sound. I was grateful that it wasn't as bad as the others doors around the house. Since I spent most of my time in my room it was the cleanest around the entire house. 

I flop down on my mattress, my face hitting the plush pillow. To some people, their room was their safe haven.

Not for me.

I don't have a safe haven. If you are one of those lucky people in the world that do, don't get rid of it, keep it. You don't realize how much you need one until the privilege has been stripped from you. 

I mumble incoherent things into my pillow, just wanting to go to sleep. I know my father would be passed out for another twenty four hours, so I was in the clear until then. If only I could just sleep.

But yet, that's another casualty in my shit excuse for a life.  I have been blessed with insomnia. And depression. I mean who wouldn't be depressed if you had an abusive father, you had no friends since everyone thought you were a freak because every time someone tried to talk to, or touch you, you flinched or jumped back. It's not my fault I was so afraid someone was going to hit me.

I shake my head and roll over, staring at my ceiling. My arms were neatly folded across my stomach and I closed my eyes. I tried to at least relax, go to my happy place. I was almost there, I was so close, when I heard something. I peeked an eye open and prayed it was just the house settling, but no, it wasn't.

I heard faint cursing and the crashing of beer bottles through the walls of the house and knew my father was up. 

"ATHENA!" My retched fathers voice boomed. I tensed up and started to shake. I knew what was coming next. I should be use to it by now but every time I just seem to be getting worse and worse with this. But I was also getting better. I was to the point where I was just used to it, where abuse didn't phase me anymore. Just the thought of my own father doing it to me, then having no one to comfort me is what was eating me alive. 

I pick myself up and make my way downstairs, the look on my face emotionless. I zoned out halfway through, feeling numb. The words he was spewing at me were just shouts in the far corners of my mind, and the kicks, punches, whips, and everything else in between was like a jolt of electricity keeping my nerves stunned so I don't feel a thing.

Maybe I deserve this.

 I collapse to the floor.

Maybe I really am not worth it.

I curl up into a ball out of instinct, trying to shield myself slightly, not wanting to have even more bruises and scratches to cover up in the morning.

Maybe I should just leave. 

Just leave and never return.

I lay there on the floor, gasping for air as my father left, slamming the door shut. I was shaking terrible and there was a small pool of blood coming from a cut on my forehead.

Why not end it now? Why not save me some suffering? 

Afterall, I'm just a dying girl.


I hope you enjoyed the intro to the story! the other chapters will be longer, and just to inform you this is an AU, so none of the boys are famous!

also, i in no way support any self harm, abuse, or anything of the sort.

love you all, stay strong beautifuls 

xx Madison

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