Securing the heirs

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On this cloudy and grey day, Neteyam and Lo'ak had decided to practice their combat skills on the meadow behind the castle. Surrounded by little farms, this spot of green grass was secure enough for the young princes to play around.
Since the border countries had declared war against Omatikaya, king Jake wouldn't let them go riding into the woods anymore and go hunting for fun.
"Come on my baby brother! You fight like a little girl!", Neteyam shouted at Lo'ak as he swung the silver metal into Lo'ak's direction. "And you got long hair like one and giggle like our baby sister!", Lo'ak countered and with a hiss, he swung his sword against Neteyam's shield. Neteyam only laughed at that comment. He knew how it irritated the younger prince when he was being called 'baby brother'".
For a few more minutes, the clinging sound of metal touching metal, sword being swung and groaning of exhaustion could be heard on the meadow, when a shriek voice interrupted the brothers and they instantly stopped their little fight.

"Brothers! Father wants us all to come together in the throne room.", Princess Tuktirey came running towards her brothers. She held up her green dress to not let it slide through the high grass that much. She was clearly out of breath.
"Why are you telling us that? Why not any of the servants?", Lo'ak asked raising a brow. Neteyam rolled his eyes and went on his knees and touched his sister by her shoulders.
"What exactly happened Tuktirey? You seem worried.", Neteyam asked comforting since he felt the younger one shivering a bit.
"I heard some peasants talking about troops wanting to come here and shops are closing down. I wanted to play a bit outside so I snuck out again. Everyone started shutting their doors in the kingdom and I heard Sir Norman discussing with someone that father wants his children in the throne room.", Tuktirey explained worriedly. Neteyam looked up and back into his brother's face, him nodding knowingly.

Neteyam then picked up the little princess and the siblings ran back to the castle. She had told the truth. Everyone on the castle grounds had stopped working and the guards were armed heavier than before.
With fast steps, they ran up the stone steps up to the throne room. Across the hallway, a large pair of doors were opened by servants and the room with the red velvet furniture and golden ornaments came to view. By the end of a way of a dark carpet, two golden thrones were visible. But they were blocked by the image of King Jake holding his crying queen.
On a stool in front of the thrones, Atokirina had taken her seat and she turned around when the siblings arrived.

"Brothers! Sister!", she exclaimed and the parents let go of each other. "Children, please sit down!", King Jake commanded his children and three servants brought golden chairs and placed them in front of Atokirina's.
"What is wrong father? You requested to see us?", Neteyam asked confidently but internally worried. He looked into his mother's face and saw her fear. Queen Neytiri was never afraid of anything.

"I received a letter from King Tonowari of the Metkayina today. He's willing to accept our request...", Jake's voice got quieter in the end. He coughed before he started talking again. "I also received the information that the Sarentu have now declared war against us as well and became allies with the RDA. One country has already been occupied and we're in great danger.", he explained and only Neytiri's sniffing could be heard.
Neteyam looked over to his siblings and they all exchanged quite worried looks. Especially the girls were rather frightened.
"I have to send my best men to the battlefield by the great tree in a cycle of moons. Every man in Omatikaya has to fight.", Jake explained further and Neteyam instantly jumped up from his chair, his hand bound to his chest.
"I will fight, father!", he declared but Jake shook his head energetically. "No son, you will follow your brother and sisters.", Neytiri sniffed.
"Father, I'm a warrior like you, I'm supposed to fight for my country!", Neteyam protested and Jake's mimic changed rapidly. "Sit down! Now!", he demanded loudly and Neteyam slowly sank back onto his chair, clearly intimidated by the loud voice of his king and father.

"As I have mentioned before, King Tonowari has agreed to take care of you. You will be trained in safety, far away from war. We can't risk to lose the heirs to the throne of this kingdom, thus you're not fully trained yet.", Jake explained further and Neytiri started crying again.
"You can't do that?! This is our home!", Lo'ak complained and stood up.
"It is decided! No arguing! The ship will leave in three days. The carriage to the Harbour before sunrise tomorrow.", Jake spoke his final words and turned around to leave.
Tuktirey and Atokirina ran into Neytiri's arms, all of them crying. Neteyam and Lo'ak stood there, rather helpless and a bit shocked by the news. They would have to move away. A whole new country. Being on a ship for the first time and leaving their family and kingdom behind. No one was sure if they would ever come back and see their parents again.

After their last feast, Neteyam went to his room and remained staring out the window. Meanwhile, his maids had packed a few belongings of him. Just a very few like clothing and his sword and shield. He'd have to leave all his books behind, just like everything else.
Through the window, he stared out in the dark and up to the clouds. For sure, he hated when he couldn't look into the stars.
Then, a knock on his door interrupted his staring.
"You may enter.", he said without taking his eyes off the darkness ahead.

"Brother, are you alright? Should I help you with anything?", he heard Atokirina's soft voice which finally led him to turn around.
"No, thank you. I'm just thinking about everything. I wish I could fight for my land.", he sighed and looked down. Atokirina carefully placed her hands on Neteyam's shoulders.
"We are all sad. But at least we can stay together. And there are chances you may get married to their princess.", she tried to calm the prince but he just closed his eyes.
"I don't wanna get married. I just wanna be king and fight. And stay in my own kingdom. We are not used to tropical climate. We belong to mountains and forests. Not sand and beach.", he said with a sad undertone and looked down to his feet.
"We will all stick together and will make the best of it. We need to stay a little positive. And I heard King Tonowari has a son your age to practice battle skills.", Atokirina said trying to smile. As Neteyam looked up, he saw that she had teary eyes.
"Thank you, sister.", he said and gave her a hug.
He had needed that and the two had a great bond. He really saw her as his own sister and not just a servant.

The next morning, Neteyam's servants made him one last bath. As usual he thanked his maids and sent them away so he could enjoy the bubbles in his tub for the last time. He looked outside and saw the knights riding out of the castle grounds, heavily armed.
Immediately, he got sad again and the water felt even more cold now.

As he was being dressed for the journey, Neteyam felt his heart beating way too fast and he had to blink more often to prevent himself from crying.
In the throne room, it was time to say goodbye to the King and Queen. Tuktirey and Atokirina cried the whole time and so did their mother. Their personal guard Sir Miles Socorro who was only a couple of years older than Neteyam himself, basically had to drag the girls away from their parents. To Neteyam and Lo'ak, it was hard as well and Neteyam really had to focus to not start crying. His brother on the other hand was just quiet and staring away, seeming to be empty.
The start of the carriage ride was bumpy and fast. But the carriage was filled with tears, Tuktirey crying into Neteyam's clothes and screaming for her parents. Though, they were supposed to be quiet until they would reach the Harbour to not attract enemies.

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