Young Royals

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The room to Neteyam's door was opened by his maid. His eyes widened when he saw what would be his personal space for a long time. Surely, the Metkayina had a different way of furnishing as well. The wood was very light and it had a different contrast to the golden ornaments than his old room. Back home, everything was dark brown with red velvet and golden details. Here, the furniture was light and they used blue velvet with golden details. "Thank you for guiding me here. You may leave now, I will unpack myself.", he told his maid, who left after bowing to the Prince. His bag already laid next to a large bed with curtains around. Neteyam decided to unpack his few belongings but was instantly interrupted by someone from outside.

"Hiyaaahh!", was everything the young prince had heard, which lead him to sprinting to the colorful window. Carefully, he pressed against the glass which then opened to the outside. Carefully, Neteyam stuck his head outside, his long dark hair dangling down.
Down there seemed to be some sort of garden with trees Neteyam had never seen before. Yellow thing hung from them and under one of the weird trees, Neteyam made out a very muscly back.
The person turned around and swung a sword through the air. He was just wearing white cloth around his waist and he presented his marvelous sweating muscles. Brown hair laid down the boys' shoulders , which defined this look.
"Wow", Neteyam thought out loud. The body movement of that person was clearly impressive but to Neteyam, the sword movement needed a bit of work.

"Brother are you coming? The princess awaits us!", Lo'ak suddenly bursted into Neteyam's room, which lead this one to hustle around. "Sure brother.", Neteyam smiled and closed the window. He could see that Lo'ak was excited because this one was overly smiley right now.
"Sister told me she was extremely beautiful.", Lo'ak told Neteyam on their way the tower stairs down. "How does she know? Did she meet her already?", Neteyam asked a little confused but Lo'ak shook his head.
"No, she saw a painting of her in the list of future brides for you.", Lo'ak shrugged and hopped down the stairs. Of course, Neteyam had ignored the pile of papers in the library that showed princesses that were willing to get married in the future.

As they hustled down the tower, they reached an exit to another garden. This one wasn't full of yellow fruits on trees, but full of colorful flowers on bushes Neteyam had never seen before. In front of a fountain that was splashing crystal clear water, there sat a girl with long, curly, brown hair. She was facing the brothers with her back and she was talking to Tuktirey.
"Brothers! Look who I've met!", the youngest sibling exclaimed  excitement and clapped her little hands. Right at that moment, the girl turned around and stood up.
Neteyam had thought that the queen was blessed with beauty but the princess?! She looked like an angel! Almost too unreal to believe it. Neteyam smiled at her but had to suppress a little laughter when he heard Lo'ak taking a sharp breath in. As he glanced over, he saw his little brother frozen to the floor with a totally blushing face and a tensed up body.

The princess stepped forward and curtseyed in front of Neteyam. "I am princess Tsireya. I'm graced to meet you Prince Neteyam.", she said with a soft voice and a bright smile on her face.
"I'm Prince Neteyam.", he introduced himself, bowed down and gave the princess a kiss on her hand. Nervously and shaking, Lo'ak did the same.
"I'm Lo'ak", he introduced himself without naming his title and almost choking in nervousness.
"I will be showing you everything around here. I love spending time outside and we will get to know each other better.", she explained happily, pulled up the seam of her white dress and walked away. The siblings followed her, Tuktirey immediately attaching to the other princesse's hand.

As they walked through the gardens, they came across several plants Neteyam had never seen before. He astounded and tried to memorize what Tsireya explained about them.
"It's beautiful here. It's like a paradise!", Lo'ak commented which lead Tsireya to turn around and giggle a little. "I'm glad you like it.", she said smiling. Neteyam just stood there, absently following a sound he had heard before today. "Hiyahhh!", was all he could focus on.

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