Fruit garden

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Neteyam's nightmare woke him up completely. For ages, he tried to fall asleep again but soon, the sun already arose. Prince Ao'nung,his behavior and Princess Tsireya's thoughts wouldn't leave his mind and it was all the young heir could think about. Because of that, he decided to wake his younger brother up.
Neteyam walked on his tiptoes down the corridor where his younger siblings had their guest rooms. Slowly, he pressed down the door handle and opened his way to Lo'ak's room. This one could already be heard snoring loudly. When Neteyam closed the door and walked over to the bed, he just let himself fall down.
"Lo'ak, wake up!", Neteyam whispered into his brother's ear and shook him. "Teyam leave me alone..", Lo'ak muttered and pressed his pillow s face.
"Lo'ak please wake up I need to talk to you.", Neteyam said more energetic now and poked his little brother into the side.
This gesture made Lo'ak finally wake up and his angry and tired eyes looked now into Neteyam's face.

But as soon as their eyes met, Lo'ak's opened in shock. "What's wrong brother? You look like a ghost had paid you a visit!" Lo'ak asked clearly shocked and Neteyam sighed and played with his fingers.
"Not a ghost but a bad dream...", he admitted quietly. Lo'ak laid his arm onto Neteyam's shoulder. "Tell me, brother.", Lo'ak said comforting but Neteyam shook his head. "I can't specifically tell you....But I know that I don't want to marry Princess Tsireya...You two are in love and I'm not with her...I want something like that but just not with her. I wish that you two could get married but I'll disappoint mother and father.", Neteyam explained and now Lo'ak was the one that sighed.
"Oh brother I'm so sorry...I didn't want to steal your wife...But as long as you'll find someone at the royal ball, they'll be pleased enough...", Lo'ak patted his brother's shoulder and Neteyam shrugged. He didn't know what was wrong with him at the moment and he couldn't define his weird feelings for the Metkayina prince. Of course, he couldn't tell Lo'ak about this...Nor Atokirina. This was a secret between him and Tsireya.

As Neteyam picked up his sword and swung the wooden piece, he looked deep into Ao'nung's blue eyes. He noticed how brightly they sparkled and Neteyam couldn't resist to smile a little. Ao'nung didn't reject but didn't rejoin Neteyam's smile. But since Neteyam got lost in Ao'nung's eyes, he was instantly defeated. "Yes! I won!", Ao'nung yelled happily and checked hands with Sir Rotxo.
Sir Miles walked up to Neteyam and laid an arm around his shoulder. "Don't worry my prince. Next time, you'll get him again. You just need to focus.", the knight assured a slightly devastated Neteyam and they walked back to the castle.

When he was done showering, Neteyam walked into the fruit gardens, hoping to find prince Ao'nung.
This one sat on a bench, his knees pulled against his chest and his arms hugging his legs. "Hello Ao'nung.", Neteyam said friendly and walked closer to where the other prince sat.
He looked up, clearly confused but surprised. "Hello Neteyam. What are you doing here?", Ao'nung asked and made some space on the bench for Neteyam. This one sat down and smiled. "I enjoy walking around here. The fruits smell good and I can think about everything well.", Neteyam explained and Ao'nung just nodded.
For a while, the boys remained silent.

"Do you think you'll step into your father's footsteps?", Neteyam suddenly asked Ao'nung. This one looked away and sighed. "I don't know...He's a great man and I'm an idiot. I felt so embarrassed that you beat me at our first combat. My father praised you highly and I was the one that was too stupid to fight....With someone much smaller than me..", Ao'nung admitted honestly. To Neteyam, this situation was completely new. Ao'nung used to be such an arrogant person and since their two week silence, this was unprecedented.

"Ao'nung...I just learnt a different way. My father taught me that it has nothing to do with physical strength or being tall. And you caught up on my technique now. In fact, you beat me today. I'm sure you'll be a great king.", Neteyam tilted his head to look into Ao'nung's face and smiled comforting. Now, Ao'nung turned his head back into Neteyam's direction.
"Do you really think so?", he asked again and Neteyam nodded approving.
For a moment, they were quiet again.

"I do have one question....", Neteyam admitted and took a deep breath. "Go ahead.", Ao'nung just said and Neteyam pulled himself together.
"Why didn't we talk for the past two weeks?", Neteyam popped out with the question that was bothering him the past days. Ao'nung on the other hand remained silent. "I thought we were getting along and then you came so close to me at the pool..."
Nervously, Neteyam rubbed his hands together. Why didn't Ao'nung answer this simple question? He stayed mute.

"Ao'nung?", the smaller prince asked again and Prince Ao'nung sighed.
"It's all so sudden....And I'm a bit overwhelmed by everything....", he admitted and brushed his long hair back. He let out a deep breath and Neteyam could sense how uncomfortable Ao'nung felt.
"What is overwhelming you? Did Tsireya talk to you?", Neteyam now asked and Ao'nung's head shot up. "No! I'm not talking to my sister about personal stuff..", Ao'nung almost yelled but then shut himself down again.
"Hey...", Neteyam had the urge to lay an arm around his companion. He expected him to back away but Ao'nung just let Neteyam do that. "Your sister is a good person and really easy to talk to. I like talking to her.", Neteyam explained.

"But you're sending your brother to fall I love with her. You are supposed to marry her...Why?", Ao'nung asked and didn't look up. Now,  Neteyam had to take in a sharp breath. "I like her as a friend. But I can't ever imagine marrying her. I can't.", Neteyam explained and Ao'nung nodded.
"Which Princess do you wanna marry instead? We will have to choose soon...The royal ball is coming closer and closer..", Ao'nung started panicking and Neteyam was astounded that Ao'nung showed himself so vulnerable now. This was very sudden.
"I don't...I can't imagine doing it at all....I don't know why.", Neteyam said honestly and with that, Ao'nung's eyes glazed.
It went way too fast but all of sudden, Neteyam felt his stomach tighten and Ao'nung's soft lips on his own. His eyes widened in shock, when Ao'nung already pulled back.
"Don't tell anyone.", the taller prince said, jumped up and ran away.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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