Chapter 4: A Second Companion

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Romaric was walking through the Obsidian Oak forest with Shadow Q holding his hand, hoping to get home before his little brother awakens.

Shadow Q turned her head to Romaric, as if she senses that something is bothering him, however, she couldn't express what she was thinking, both in terms of words or actions,

if only her mind could be read by Romaric...

Luckily, it wasn't only her mind that could express what she desires, but also her expressions, in which, Romaric took note of when he saw her expression of worry, it was only a simple gaze but it held a deep meaning and both of them knew it.

While walking halfway through the forest, the sun was beaming down on them from behind the branches of trees providing minimal shade. Romaric felt how Shadow Q's hand was losing her grip on his, he stopped walking and knelt down to her level with a Pat on her shoulder.

"Hey.. Are you alright kiddo?" He asked with worry as he noticed Shadow Q was having a hard time breathing and her eye lids felt heavy.

With this situation, it took him back to that one winter, His little brother became sick beyond belief,

he sought help but no one listened, he had no idea how many times he cradled his little brother in his arms to keep him warm from such dreadful weather,

this time, he doesn't want the same to happen for this girl.

Even if she was not human, he'd still treat her with the care that he never received, but he needed and deserved, such a selfless soul indeed..viewed in a broken image because of an "unreasonable" Mistake.

Romaric snapped out of his thoughts and placed his hand on her neck gently, feeling her temperature.

"Oh my... Your temperature is rising..." Romaric said with worry, he took off his jacket, placed it on her as she tucked in her tail and wings, pulled down the hoodie to hide her ears and horns, lastly, Romaric carried her on his back and quickened his pace to return home, hoping her condition wouldn't worsen on the way back there.

The moment he arrived home, he brought her to his room and laid her down on his bed, running down the stairs to get some cold water and a towel.

When he returned to his room, Shadow Q wasn't on the bed, she was on the floor, laying down and trembling.

"Kiddo! What in tarnation are you doing on the floor? Did you fall off the bed?" Romaric asked frantically, worried about the girl as he helped her sit up.

He scooped her up from the floor and placed her onto the bed, gently wiping her face, arms and legs with the cold, soaked towel

He let out a sigh of relief "you gave me a fright, kiddo.. Don't do that again, okay? The floor isn't as clean as it seems" He told her, even if he knew she couldn't understand, he knew someday she would.

"Kuya... Who is that?.. What is that?.." Valerion stood by the doorway, scared and trembling from what looks like.. A monster..! Most importantly.. Why was his brother caring for it?.. What was going on?

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