Chapter 4

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☆ Chapter 4

Tang Qing has been going up the mountain to "hunt" in the past few days. Although his accuracy is extremely bad every time, this is the only way he can get his belongings out. In his previous life, he was too careless, and that's why he was tricked by others. In this life, he must be careful again and again. Every time he goes out, he will make himself very embarrassed, and even sprinkle some blood stains on his body when necessary. To show that you are really "working hard".

Later, Tang Qing found several books about hunting and how to make traps in the space. Although Tang Qing's accuracy was terrible, he was still good at making traps. At least he had to be able to trap a few prey from time to time. . This made Tang Qing extremely happy. The feeling of catching prey yourself is different from taking it directly from space.

In the past few days, Tang Qing spent time in the mountains whenever he had free time. He saw that there were quite a lot of animals at home, so he thought he might as well take them to the town and sell them. After counting the animals in the house, there are fourteen rabbits and ten chickens. I found two cages and packed them up, preparing to take them to town to sell them early tomorrow morning.

Although Zhoujia Village is remote and has rugged mountain roads, a trail was built at the head of the village for tax purposes!

There is only one ox cart in the village, and it belongs to Uncle Liu's family. This town is about ten miles away from the village, and it takes two hours to walk. If you get up a little late, it will be already in the afternoon when you get back. So Tang Qing got up early, packed up, and quickly carried two cages to the head of the village.

As soon as we arrived at the village, we saw Uncle Liu waiting there early with an ox cart. "Good morning, Uncle Liu." Seeing Uncle Liu, Tang Qing hurriedly said hello,

"Here comes the boy Qing, but he has to go to town." Uncle Liu saw that Tang Qing was carrying two cages and thought that he might be taking a ride.

"That's right. I have to trouble Uncle Liu for a while."

"What's the point? Just sit down and don't bother me. It's too particular." Uncle Liu waved his hand nonchalantly and saw Tang Qing's two cages. It is so big that it is specially tied to the rear of the car to save space and trouble.

The two chatted for a while, and several more people arrived one after another. After five people were gathered in one cart, Uncle Liu set off on the ox cart. The other people in the car all knew each other and were chatting all the way, but they didn't pay attention to Tang Qing next to them. However, when he saw the animal at the back of the car, he still praised him a few words. Then the conversation became lively again. Tang Qing didn't pay much attention to what they were talking about. He was thinking about how to spend money. He only had 9 coins in his hand. After excluding the fare, he had 7 coins left. He didn't know if he would need to spend money when he got to town.

The oxcart was said to be fast or slow. Tang Qing personally felt that it would take nearly an hour to go, and the shaking made his buttocks hurt. His face turned pale before he finally reached the town.

Tang Qing rubbed his butt as soon as he got out of the car, and then carried the prey into the town. After asking around in the town, the chicken was now priced at 7 cents per catty, and the rabbit was slightly more expensive at 10 cents per catty. Tang Qing took the prey to the vegetable market. Although in novels, some people often go to restaurants to buy prey and earn hundreds of taels at once. After all, a novel is a novel and cannot be true.

Big restaurants all have fixed sources. If he, a stranger, went to sell something, who would be responsible if something happened to the customer after eating the prey he brought? Small restaurants, restaurants and the like are all small businesses. He couldn't make much money. If he went to sell it, the price would definitely be lowered. In this way, Tang Qing wouldn't be able to make any money. He might as well set up a stall in the vegetable market.

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