chapter 3

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~ Hello dear readers I hope ya'll like this story and have fun reading. I think the song matches one of my characters. ~

Eveline P.O.V.

I think we are gonna need some backup here if I actually want to adopt Himiko. I think Nemi is wanted here.

~ Texting ~

🌌 Nemuri Kayama/Midnight

👑 Eveline Kocho

👑 Hey Girl I kinda need some help

🌌 Hey of course I'll help unless I have tot help kidnap someone again I did that once and never again

👑 I kinda want to adopt a kid and need you to convince Them I can take care of a kid

🌌 Girl you're practically the mom of the entire castle but where are you I'm coming

👑 Thanks you I'm at (random police station) with the kid and Kai

🌌 On my way

~ real life ~

¨ Kai, Nemi is on her way ¨ I decided to tell Kai what we could expect ¨ Ya really called backup thinking I can't convince them ¨ 

After around ten minutes Nemuri finally showed up. The only problem is that she isn't alone she came in with a hobo, a blonde with hair like the Eifel tower and a mouse/bear/rat thing which can only be the principal of UA, Nezu.

When Himiko noticed more people she silently reached for my hand. I gues so many people at once are a little much if you have trust issues. ¨ Hey Himiko there is no need to be scared ¨ I say as I kneel to her hight. ¨ You see the lady in the costume ¨ I asked and when she nodded I told her ¨ Don't worry hun I know her she's gonna help to make sure you get to live with me and auntie ¨

Himiko P.O.V.

When Eveline says that I run to the lady who looks suprised I did that. I motion to her I want to say something and she kneels down. ¨ I want to live with Eveline, I want her to be my new mommy ¨ Thats what I say to her. She wispers in my ear ¨ Okay dear I'll get that done ¨ I look up to her and smile.

Only this time the lady smiles back and doesn't get angry at me for having a weird smile

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Only this time the lady smiles back and doesn't get angry at me for having a weird smile. I turn around fast and run to my new mommy. Wispering to her ¨ The nice lady is gonna make sure I can live with you mommy ¨

Nezu P.O.V.

As the child Kayama called us for ran to the woman, who I supose found her, and wispers something to her. As the child runs to the other woman to tell something I can see the two and Kayama tear up a little. It seems they know more than we do. 

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