Chapter 1: Giving Up Hope

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3rd Person's Point of View

"Haa.... Ha... Ha...."

Deep breaths.

That was all that Chione could do as she suffered the ordeal of being killed by Zephyr.

Emperor of the Elrioche Kingdom.

The sensation of the long sword coldly kissing her neck, clinging to it, and finally ending her fifteenth life in one slash.

The hands and feet hung by the bed, soaked with sweat.

If this was the first time, she would have cried out and shouted, calling for attention and asking for help... only to be reprimanded and locked up for acting 'weirdly'.

For the 15th time, she was killed.

By her very own husband.

Chione was finally able to reach her 18th birthday safely,

For once, after such a long time... Chione was able to believe that there was hope.

Everyone still hated her but that was much better off than dying.

She hoped to live, not to be loved.

She lived her other lives wandering, trying out things on her own, meeting new people, and finding a solution to the unending curse that was given to her.

And after being so tired of hanging on a loose thread, she decided to approach the greatest person she could hold on to within the empire.

Zephyr Augustine Reolys Abvassen.

The current prince, the future emperor. The only heir on such a high throne.

Someone with a lot of enemies but also a great deal of power.

Thinking that if she was able to get the Prince's heart,

He might be able to protect her.

And that she might be able to live life without being afraid of anything or anyone.

Contrary to the approach she thought of, however, they met naturally and fell in love naturally.

She believed that fate was finally working in her favor.

But true love isn't as easy as that.

They got married, and it was finally her happily ever after.

Chione finally embraced happiness.

She was finally seen as the only 'one' in another person's eyes.

But as she succumbed to that fate,

Fate gifted her her own blood the next day.

The warmth they shared dissipated in the air and the cold wind crawled through her spine. Reminding her that it was now a new day and that all of those were now just memories that only she would forever be aware of.

Her muscles spasmed as she sat.

For some reason, the Prince who only looked at her turned his back in an instant. The man who calmed her with his words became her demise without a say.

What they had was real.

But it seems that even in that life, she was not allowed to be happy.

Even when she did her best to clean up her dirty and messy reputation, no matter how hard she changed, no matter what kindness she showed, no matter what Chione Lazuella would become,

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