Chapter 1

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Luke's POV

*knock* *knock *knock* I hear before, "Honey, are you awake?" The sound of my mom's voice comes through the door as she opens it. "Luke! The first day of senior year, it's time to get up! Are you excited, sweetheart?" I'm sat up in my bed now on my elbows, and swing my legs over the side, "Yes, Mom. I'm very excited. One more year as a child before I enter the adult world!" "I know hun, you've been VERY excited about that for a while. But I'm not ready to lose my little baby," my mom says making her way over to me and planting a kiss on my forehead. "Moooommm, you're never losing meeee, I won't go very far," I say getting up out of bed. "I know baby, I'll just miss you. But that's not for a while, so why don't you get ready for school, while I go make you some breakfast?" I chuckle as I say, "Of course Mom, thank you." She kisses my head one more time before making her way out of my room, shutting the door behind her.

Once my door is shut I make my way over to the bathroom, I do my morning business and then hop into the shower. While I'm showering my mind begins to wander to the thoughts of my first day of senior year, and what that means... Before summer started we did a classification test that would tell us what we would be, and we get those results today... My mom is neutral, so I figure I'll be classified the same as her. I haven't had any signs that could point to what I could be yet... but my birthday is in July, so I'm on the younger end of my class meaning my signs would probably begin to show up later if they were anything but neutral... I continue to think about my classification until I feel the water run cold, and I quickly finish up and get out to finish getting ready for the day. I hop out, brush my teeth, and go into my room throw on a pair of black Nike shorts and a blue H&M t-shirt, and head downstairs.

My mom is sitting at the island drinking her coffee and playing words with friends on her phone when I sit next to her. She made a simple breakfast of eggs and toast. "Thanks, Mom," I say. She looks over at me and smiles, "Of course, baby. You took a long shower, is everything okay?" She knows I like to think in the shower. "Yeah, I'm okay, just nervous about the classification is all." "It'll all be alright sweetheart. No matter your classification, you will always be my perfect little boy, nothing changes that." "Moooommm" "Awe come on Luke," she says with a laugh. I laugh back and smile at her when my phone dings. I look down and see a text from my best friend Ethan. "Oh, that's Ethan, gotta go mom. See ya later, love you." I said putting my dishes in the sink and grabbing my backpack by the front door. "Bye sweetie, have a fantastic first day!"

"Sup, dude!" Ethan says! "Hey, man!" We fist bump as I get into his passenger seat, "Are you stoked for classification or what!" He says as he backs out of the driveway and heads to the school, "More like so nervous I might throw up." "Dude what! I've been so antsy waiting to get these results all summer! I don't understand why they can't just give them to us the same day!" "Honestly, same. I wish they would, then I wouldn't be so nervous. What do you think you're going to get? I'm hoping for neutral like my mom." "Ummm, I think I might be a dom, like my dad. That would be pretty cool. But neutral would be good too." "Man, I wish I had dom genes, that would've been so cool," I say thinking about how my mom always said my dad had been a general sub. "Nah man whatever you get will be cool regardless. Our classifications are what fits us. And I tend to think you're pretty cool as you are." "Mannnn don't go all sappy on me now," I say playfully punching Ethan on the arm. "Hey! No hitting the driver," Ethan says laughing as we pull into the school. Ethan has been my best friend since kindergarten, so I know the classification won't change that.

After we park and walk up to the entrance of the courtyard, we see our usual group of friends standing around. Walking up I say, "Hey guys!" as I fist-bump Tanner and Charlie. When I turn and see Henry, "sup Henry," I give a small wave. Henry is the football team's Captain. We all play for the school's team, but he's not a part of our usual friend group. "What brings you over here?" Ethan says. "Not much! Just chatting with Tanner and Charlie here about the scrimmage next week, y'all ready for it?" "Oh, uh, yeahhh... For sure!" I respond. "Dude, you know it!" Ethan yells when the bells rings signaling us to head to class. Ethan and I have first class together so as we're headed to class he says "Dude, you know that you could just tell Henry you like him, right?" My face goes red, "Uhhh, whaattt. Pfttt I have no idea what you're talking about." Ethan is the only person, besides my mom, who knows that I'm gay but he's never cared. When I told him he said, "Bro. I know." I don't think there's anything that I could ever hide from him... Ethan snaps me back to reality with, "Dude, wtf, seriously??? C'mon. 'Oh, uhhhhhhh' dude! Your face went red when you saw Henry standing with T and Charlie! You're ridiculous." "Okay, fine, hush already." I say shushing him, "I don't want people to know, alright? Maybe I think Henry is attractive. But that doesn't mean he's into me, or that our classifications are compatible. So I'd rather drop it." "Okayyyy, fine. I will for now. But no promises later." I sigh as we walk into our first period, English. ughhhh.

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